Data Transformation Services

Transformation Types

This section describes the individual column-level transformations available in Data Transformation Services (DTS).

Topic Description
Copy Column Transformation Describes the transformation used to copy source data to the destination.
ActiveX Script Transformation Explains how to use Microsoft ActiveX® scripts to define column-level transformations.
Date Time String Transformation Describes the transformation used to convert a source date into a new destination format.
Uppercase String Transformation Describes the transformation used to convert a string into uppercase characters.
Lowercase String Transformation Describes the transformation used to convert a string into lowercase characters.
Middle of String Transformation Describes the transformation used to extract a substring from a source and optionally change its case or trim white space before placing the result in the destination.
Trim String Transformation Describes the transformation used to remove leading, trailing, or embedded white space from a source string and place the (optionally case-shifted) result in the destination.
Read File Transformation Describes the transformation used to copy the contents of a file specified by a source column to a destination column.
Write File Transformation Describes the transformation that creates a new data file for each file named in a source column and initializes the contents of each file from data in a second source column.