DTS Programming

DTSDataPumpColumn Object

The DTSDataPumpColumn object provides access to a column value and its meta data to a Microsoft® ActiveX® script.

ActualSize Property OriginalValue Property
Attributes Property Precision Property
DefinedSize Property Type Property
Name Property UnderlyingValue Property
NumericScale Property Value Property

AppendChunk Method GetChunk Method


The DTSDataPumpColumn object belongs to the DTSSource and DTSDestination collections. The DTSDataPumpColumn object is identical to the ADO.Field interface.

The DTSDataPumpColumn object is compatible with Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0. For more information about an extended version of this object, see DTSDataPumpColumn2 Object.

Reference the DTSDataPumpColumn object from within ActiveX script transformations by referencing an element of the DTSSource or DTSDestination collections. If you must remain compatible with SQL Server 7.0, use only the properties specified above.

See Also

Column Object

DTSDataPumpColumns Collection