DTS Programming

DTS Programming Samples

The following samples illustrate Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) application development in Microsoft Visual C++® and Microsoft Visual Basic®. They also include DTS packages.

Sample Description
CustomTaskNoUI Active Template Library (ATL) template. Implements the framework for a DTS custom task that does not support a user interface.
CustomTaskWithUI ATL template. Implements the framework for a DTS custom task that supports a user interface.
CustomTransform ATL template. Implements the framework for a DTS custom transformation.
DTS Custom Transformation Sample C++ sample. Concatenates a number of ANSI source columns into a single destination column.
DTS Custom Task C++ sample. Creates and registers a DTS custom task that is similar to the CreateProcessTask object.
DTSCopy C++ sample. Copies a single source column into a destination column of the same type.
DTSStrings C++ sample. Reformats two source columns that are assumed to be a first and last name into a single destination column.
DTSTskGVUpdate C++ sample. Displays and updates the value of a global variable through a user interface.
DTSTskPropIcon C++ sample. Displays a message.
Packages DTS package sample. Demonstrates how to create and execute packages and how to solve typical business problems.
Complex Transformation Sample from SQL Server to Excel Visual Basic sample. Copies data from the pubs database to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, transforming it into a Microsoft PivotTable®.
DTS Package Sample Supporting Multiple Source and Destination Providers Visual Basic sample. Creates a package from a variety of data sources and destinations.
DTSActiveScriptTask Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to run a Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScrip) script as part of a DTS Task.
DTSApplicationObject Visual Basic sample. Illustrates some of the information that can be obtained from the DTS Application object.
DTSAppObject Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates use of the DTS Application object on the local server.
DTSBulkInsertTask Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use DTS to perform a bulk insert operation from a flat text file.
DTSCopyDatabase Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use the DTS TransferObjectsTask object to copy a database.
DTSExecProcess Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to run a Win32 application from a DTS task.
DTSExecSQLTask Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to execute an SQL statement while running a DTS package.
DTSExecutePackage Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to execute programmatically a DTS package that has been saved in .dts format to a structured storage file.
DTSFTPTask Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use DTS to copy non-SQL Server files from a source to a destination.
DTSPackageInfo Visual Basic sample. Illustrates some of the information that can be obtained from the DTS Application.GetPackageInfos method.
DTSTransferObjectsTask Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use DTS to transfer various types of SQL Server objects from the pubs database to the pubs2 database.
FoodMart2000 Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use the Visual Basic file output from the DTS import/export wizard to convert the FoodMart 2000.mdb database to SQL Server 2000.
Pub2Pubs Visual Basic sample. Copies the Authors table from the pubs database to the pubs2 database while performing several operations on various fields.
Simple DTS Package Sample Using Visual Basic Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to build and execute a DTS package.
Simple Transformation Sample Between Two SQL Server Tables Visual Basic sample. Copies data from a source table to a destination table after a Transact-SQL script is used to create a sample table in the pubs database.

To install the samples during SQL Server installation
  1. On the Setup Type page, select Custom.

  2. On the Select Components page, under Components, select Code Samples.

Samples are installed as a self-extracting file. To extract the samples, double-click Unzip_dts.exe, located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Devtools\Samples\Dts. All samples include a project file applicable to the language used.


C++ samples require Visual C++ version 6.0. Visual Basic samples require Visual Basic version 6.0.

See Also
