DTS Programming


The Execute method executes the data pump and any transformations that have been defined.


HRESULT Execute (
ULARGE_INTEGER *puliRowsComplete,
ULONG *pulErrorRows,
LPDTSExecuteStatus pExecStatus );

Argument Description
pvUserData [in] User data passed back to event and error sinks
*puliRowsComplete [out] Total number of source rows processed, including those skipped
*pulErrorRows [out] Total number of error rows encountered
pExecStatus [out] Pump return status


Control is not returned to the caller until the last row has been processed or the data pump fails. Calls to the Execute method of each transformation server are made for each row in the order in which the transformations were added. Structured exception handling is placed around each call. If the called server returns an exception (for example, an access violation), an error is reported. The data pump reports all errors through the IDTSDataPumpErrorSink::OnTransformError event.

The Execute method returns DTSExecuteStatus constant values. Execute returns E_FAIL if it is terminated; DB_E_ERRORSOCURRED if the maximum error count is exceeded; DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED if errors occurred, but the maximum error count is not exceeded; and NOERROR if it completes with no errors.

See Also

