DTS Programming


The AddTransform method adds a new Transform with extended multiphase capability to the data pump.


HRESULT AddTransform2(
    LPCDTSTransformColumnsSpecification pColumns,
    DTSGuid ServerClsid,
    VARIANT ServerParameters,
    DTSTransformFlags dwFlags,
    DTSTransformPhaseEnum ePhases,
    IStorage *pIStorage );

Argument Description
pwzName [in] Transformation name
pvUserData [in] Data that is passed to the event sink if an event occurs during a transformation
pColumns [in] Structure specifying source and destination columns
ServerClsid [in] ProgID or CLSID of transformation, which can be Iunknown
ServerParameters [in] Server parameters for the current transformation
dwFlags [in] Transformation column-validation flags
ePhases [in] Phases for which the transformation will be called
pIStorage [in] Pointer to persistent storage of transformation properties


The data pump calls CoCreateInstance on the transformation object specified by ServerClsid. The transformation specified must support the IDTSDataPumpTransform2 interface and, by inheritance, IDTSDataPumpTransform. It must respond to QueryInterface for both IDTSDataPumpTransform2 and IDTSDataPumpTransform.

See Also


IDTSDataPumpTransform2 Interface