DTS Programming

UseRepository Property

The UseRepository property sets or returns a value indicating whether Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services should be used as the source of the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package to be run by an ExecutePackageTask object.

Applies To


object.UseRepository [= boolean]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an ExecutePackageTask object.
boolean If TRUE, Meta Data Services is searched for the DTS package to be run.

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT UseRepository(VARIANT_BOOL* pRetVal);

HRESULT UseRepository(VARIANT_BOOL pRetVal);


If UseRepository is FALSE, the DTS package is sought in the SQL Server msdb database, unless a storage file specification is provided in the FileName property.

This property also can be referenced through the Properties collection of the Task object with the following code:

Set taskprops = task.Properties
taskprops("UseRepository") [= boolean]

See Also

FileName Property

RepositoryDatabaseName Property