DTS Programming

TransformPhases Property

The TransformPhases property returns or sets the transform phases that this transformation supports.

Applies To
Transformation2 Object


object.TransformPhases [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a Transformation2 object
value Codes that indicate the phases this transformation supports. Must be a sum of values from the DTSTransformPhaseEnum constants.

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetTransformPhases(LONG *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetTransformPhases(LONG NewValue);


These are the transformation phases that a transformation can support.

Phase Description
PreSourceData Occurs before the first row is fetched from source connection.
Transform Occurs after each source row is fetched, before the destination row is written.
OnTransformFailure Occurs after a failure in the Transform phase, indicated by the return of DTSTransformStat_Error or DTSTransformStat_ExceptionRow. Typically, this phase is caused by conversion errors.
OnInsertSuccess Occurs after each data row is written successfully to the destination connection.
OnInsertFailure Occurs after each attempt to write a data row to the destination connection failed (for example, by attempting to write a duplicate value to a primary key field, or a NULL to a NOT NULL field).
OnBatchComplete Occurs in DataPumpTask2 if you select the FastLoad check box after each batch is written, successfully or unsuccessfully.
PostSourceData Occurs after the last row is written to the destination connection.
OnPumpComplete Occurs at the end of the execution of the task.

See Also

CurrentPhase Property
