DTS Programming

SourceIniFileKey Property

The SourceIniFileKey property sets or returns the name of a key within an .ini file that identifies the value to which a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package object property will be set by the DynamicPropertiesTask object, when the SourceType property is DTSDynamicPropertiesSourceType_IniFile.

Applies To
DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment Object


object.SourceIniFileKey [= key]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object
key Name of key within an .ini file identifying value to which a package object property will be set

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT SourceIniFileKey(BSTR* pRetVal);

HRESULT SourceIniFileKey(BSTR pRetVal);


Do not include the equal sign (=) that follows the key name in the .ini file with the key name when setting this property.

The specified key must appear in the section specified by the SourceIniFileSection property, which in turn must appear within the .ini file specified by the SourceIniFileFileName property.


The following code sets the SourceIniFileKey property:

oAssign.SourceIniFileFileName = "C:\DTS_UE\TestData\DynProp.ini"
oAssign.SourceIniFileSection = "FlatFile"
oAssign.SourceIniFileKey = "Lengths"

See Also

DynamicPropertiesTask Object

SourceIniFileFileName Property

SourceIniFileSection Property

SourceType Property