DTS Programming

SourceUseTrustedConnection Property

The SourceUseTrustedConnection property specifies whether the Windows Authentication security mode is used.

Applies To
TransferObjectsTask Object TransferObjectsTask2 Object


object.SourceUseTrustedConnection[= value]

Part Description
object An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value Boolean that specifies whether the Windows Authentication security mode is to be used

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetSourceUseTrustedConnection(VARIANT_BOOL *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetSourceUseTrustedConnection(VARIANT_BOOL NewValue);


The default is FALSE.

Note  It is recommended that you connect to an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ using Windows Authentication instead of SQL Server Authentication. To use Windows Authentication, set SourceUseTrustedConnection to TRUE.

See Also

DestinationUseTrustedConnection Property

SourceDatabase Property

SourceLogin Property

SourcePassword Property

SourceServer Property