DTS Programming

OutputAsRecordset Property

The OutputAsRecordset property returns or specifies whether the entire rowset generated by the Execute SQL task query should be stored in a global variable.

Applies To
ExecuteSQLTask2 Object


object.OutputAsRecordset [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an ExecuteSQLTask2 object
value Whether the entire rowset should be stored in a global variable

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetOutputAsRecordset(VARIANT_BOOL *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetOutputAsRecordset(VARIANT_BOOL NewValue);


The rowset is placed in the first named global variable in the OutputGlobalVariableNames list as a disconnected Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) recordset. The variable is set to Nothing if no rowset is returned from the query.

See Also

OutputGlobalVariableNames Property

SQLStatement Property