DTS Programming

QueuePath Property

The QueuePath property sets or returns the full path of the Message Queuing queue used to send or receive messages.

Applies To
DTSMessageQueueTask Object


object.QueuePath [= path]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DTSMessageQueueTask object
path Full path of the message queue

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT QueuePath(BSTR* pVal);

HRESULT QueuePath(BSTR pVal);


The syntax of the queue path is servername\[PRIVATE$]\queuename. To refer to the local computer, use a period (.) in the servername field. For public queues, nothing is coded between the back slashes (\\).

The property also can be referenced through the Properties collection of the Task object with the following code:

Set taskprops = task.Properties
taskprops("QueuePath") [= path]


This example assigns a globally unique identifier (GUID) string to the PackageID property:

oCustTask.QueuePath = "DTS_SERV\\DTS_QUE"

See Also

RemoveFromQueue Property