DTS Programming

InputFormat Property

The InputFormat property specifies or returns a string that defines the format of the datetime string in the source column. This format string consists of tokens and delimiters: the tokens represent components of the date and time, and the delimiters must explicitly appear in the source column.

Applies To
DataPumpTransformDateTimeString Object


object.InputFormat [= formatstring]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DataPumpTransformDateTimeString object.
formatstring String consisting of tokens and delimiters, which define the format of the source column.

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT InputFormat(BSTR* pRetVal);

HRESULT InputFormat(BSTR pRetVal);


For more information about token definitions, see OutputFormat Property.

The property also can be referenced through the TransformServerProperties collection with the following code:

Set transprops = transform.TransformServerProperties
transprops("InputFormat") [= name]

See Also

AMSymbol Property

Day?LongName Property

Day?ShortName Property

GetDayLongName Method

GetDayShortName Method

GetMonthLongName Method

GetMonthShortName Method

Month??LongName Property

Month??ShortName Property

PMSymbol Property

SetDayLongName Method

SetDayShortName Method

SetMonthLongName Method

SetMonthShortName Method

ShortYear2000Cutoff Property