The Language property specifies the Microsoft® ActiveX® scripting language the transformation is using.
object.Language [= value]
Part | Description |
object | Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list |
value | Scripting language being used |
HRESULT GetLanguage(BSTR *pRetVal);
HRESULT SetLanguage(BSTR NewValue);
The default is Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript).
Script languages available on a particular system can be determined by enumerating the ScriptingLanguageInfos collection of the Application object. For more information about which scripting language to use with Data Transformation Services (DTS), see ScriptingLanguageInfo Object.
The property also can be referenced through the TransformServerProperties collection with the following code:
Set transprops = transform.TransformServerProperties
transprops("Language") [= string]