DTS Programming

ForceBlobsInMemory Property

The ForceBlobsInMemory property specifies whether to store each source binary large object (BLOB) column in a transformation as a single memory allocation, even if storage objects are available from the OLE DB provider.

Applies To
Transformation Object Transformation2 Object


object.ForceBlobsInMemory [= value]

Part Description
Object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
Value Boolean that specifies whether to store each source BLOB column in a transformation as a single memory allocation

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetForceBlobsInMemory(VARIANT_BOOL *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetForceBlobsInMemory(VARIANT_BOOL NewValue);


BLOBs are image, ntext, and text data types.

See Also

ForceSourceBlobsBuffered Property