The DestinationPropertyID property sets or returns a string that defines the path through the Data Transformation Services (DTS) object model to the property to be modified by the DynamicPropertiesTask object.
object.DestinationPropertyID [= objectpath]
Part | Description |
object | Expression that evaluates to a DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment object |
objectpath | Path through the DTS package object model to the property to be modified |
HRESULT DestinationPropertyID(BSTR* pRetVal);
HRESULT DestinationPropertyID(BSTR pRetVal);
The path is a list of objects, starting with the object or collection whose parent is the package, separated by a delimiter made up of three backticks (```). Objects are represented by the object names. Collections are represented by a string from the following set of Microsoft® Visual Basic® constant definitions. The following symbolic names do not need to be used, but the following case-sensitive string values must match exactly:
'These are the separators for the DestinationPropertyID strings.
Const DTS_GLOBAL_VARIABLES = "Global Variables"
Const DTS_TASKS = "Tasks"
Const DTS_TRANSFORMATIONS = "Transformations"
Const DTS_USER_QUERY_COLUMNS = "UserQueryColumns"
Const DTS_UPDATE_QUERY_COLUMNS = "UpdateQueryColumns"
Const DTS_INSERT_QUERY_COLUMNS = "InsertQueryColumns"
Const DTS_DELETE_QUERY_COLUMNS = "DeleteQueryColumns"
Const DTS_DEST_COLUMNS = "DestinationColumns"
Const DTS_SOURCE_COLUMNS = "SourceColumns"
Const DTS_LOOKUPS = "Lookups"
Const DTS_PRECEDENCE_CONSTRAINTS = "PrecedenceConstraints"
Const DTS_STEPS = "Steps"
Const DTS_CONNECTIONS = "Connections"
Const DTS_PROPERTIES = "Properties"
Const DTS_SOURCE_COMMAND_PROPERTIES = "SourceCommandProperties"
Do not include the package object in the string.
The following example assigns a property path string to DestinationPropertyID:
oAssign.DestinationPropertyID = _
"Connections```Pubs Authors Info```" & _
"OLEDBProperties```Column Lengths```Properties```Value"