DTS Programming

CharacterCount Property

The CharacterCount property specifies or returns the number of characters in the substring of the source column to be copied by custom transformations.

Applies To
DataPumpTransformMidString Object


object.CharacterCount [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DataPumpTransformMidString object
value Number of characters in the substring to be copied

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT CharacterCount(long* pRetVal);

HRESULT CharacterCount(long pRetVal);


If a value less than 1 is provided for CharacterCount, a zero-length string is copied. If a value greater than the number of characters available to be copied is provided, the entire source string from the specified CharacterStart to the end of the string is copied.

The property also can be referenced through the TransformServerProperties collection with the following code:

Set transprops = transform.TransformServerProperties
transprops("CharacterCount") [= value]

See Also

CharacterStart Property