DTS Programming

RemovePackageLineages Method

The RemovePackageLineages method removes the package and step lineage records from Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services that satisfy the criteria of the input parameters.

Applies To
PackageRepository Object


object.RemovePackageLineages( PackageVersionID, KeepLatest,
    LineageFullID, LineageShortID

Part Description
Object Expression that evaluates to a PackageRepository object.
PackageVersionID A globally unique identifier (GUID) string specifying the version ID of the package version for which lineage records are to be removed.
KeepLatest A Boolean which specifies whether the lineage records for the most recent execution are to be retained.
LineageFullID A GUID string specifying the lineage full ID of the lineage records to be removed.
LineageShortID A long specifying the lineage short ID of the lineage records to be removed.


A package lineage record and step lineage records are written each time a package stored in Meta Data Services is executed, if the package LineageOptions property specifies this to be done. RemovePackageLineages removes these records from Meta Data Services.

A package ID or the empty string cannot be specified for PackageVersionID. An error will be raised if there is no package lineage record in Meta Data Services with the specified version ID.

All parameters are required. To remove all package lineage records for a particular package version, code False for KeepLatest, the empty string "" for LineageFullID and 0 for LineageShortID. To remove all package lineage records in Meta Data Services, iterate through the Meta Data Services packages with the EnumPackageInfos method, then call RemovePackageLineages for each package version.

The syntax of GUIDs is:


where the X are hexadecimal digits. The groupings are 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 digits. The curly brackets are required. Spaces cannot be embedded for readability.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT RemovePackageLineages(
    BSTR PackageVersionID,
    VARIANT_BOOL KeepLatest,
    BSTR LineageFullID,
    long LineageShortID );

See Also

EnumPackageLineages Method

LineageFullID Property

LineageOptions Property

LineageShortID Property

PackageID Property

Retrieving DTS System, Package, and Log Data

VersionID Property