DTS Programming

WriteStringToLog Method

The WriteStringToLog adds a string to the log record that is being written for the step.

Applies To
PackageLog Object


object.WriteStringToLog LogString

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a PackageLog object reference
LogString String containing the log message that is to be appended to the log message for the step


A log string is accumulated for each step. WriteStringToLog adds a new string to the log message, separated by a Newline character from the previously accumulated message. WriteStringToLog can be called any number of times during task execution.

The WriteStringToLog method is available to custom tasks, where the reference to the PackageLog object is a parameter of the task Execute method, which in a custom task, you must implement. It is also available in the Data Transformation Services (DTS) Microsoft® ActiveX® Script task, through the DTSPackageLog object.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT WriteStringToLog( BSTR LogString );

See Also

Retrieving DTS System, Package, and Log Data

WriteTaskRecord Method