DTS Programming

GetObjectForTransfer Method

The GetObjectForTransfer method iterates objects on the list of objects to be transferred.

Applies To
TransferObjectsTask Object TransferObjectsTask2 Object


object.GetObjectForTransfer Index, ObjectName, OwnerName, Type

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
Index Index into the list of objects to be transferred.
ObjectName Object name.
OwnerName Object owner name.
Type Object type, from the DTSSQLObjectType constants.


The index of the first object in the list of objects to be transferred is 0.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetObjectForTransfer(LONG Index,
BSTR *ObjectName,
BSTR *OwnerName,
DTSSQLObjectType *Type);

See Also

AddObjectForTransfer Method


ResetObjectsList Method