DTS Programming

Building and Running the DTS Custom Task User Interface Example in Visual C++

To build the Data Transformation Services (DTS) custom task user interface example, click Build DTSTskGVUpdate.dll on the Build menu. Refresh the Data Transformation Services (DTS) cache, if necessary. For more information about preparing the custom task for execution, see Implementing and Testing a DTS Custom Task.

Open DTS Designer and drag the icon for this task onto the design sheet. When the property page you implemented is displayed, change the values of the Description property and enter a value for the global variable name. The Name property was made read-only on the property page because to change it in DTS designer causes an error.

When you execute the DTS package, the dialog box you implemented will appear with the value of the global variable. If the global variable did not exist, you will see a blank edit box (DTS will have created the global variable), or you will get an error, depending on whether the ExplicitGlobalVariables property is set.

Enter or change the global variable value. If you enter an invalid value (for example, substituting alpha characters for a numeric global variable), the task will fail when you close the dialog box.

Test the update feature by placing two copies of this task in a package and connecting them with an OnSuccess precedence constraint.