Using the DTS Custom Task Properties Provider
A custom task can invoke the Data Transformation Services (DTS) properties provider explicitly and access the collection it returns.
When a custom task implements a placeholder for the CustomTask_Properties property or returns NULL or Nothing, the default DTS properties provider generates a Properties collection and returns a reference to it. However, the custom task is not able to access or modify the collection.
The following Microsoft® Visual Basic® code shows how to invoke the DTS properties provider explicitly (for example, in order to change the default value of a custom task property). Create the PropertiesProvider object and invoke the GetPropertiesForObject method:
Private Property Get CustomTask_Properties() As DTS.Properties
'Use DTS properties provider to generate the collection.
Dim objPropsProvider As New DTS.PropertiesProvider
Dim colProperties As DTS.Properties
Set colProperties = objPropsProvider.GetPropertiesForObject(Me)
Set objPropsProvider = Nothing
'Access the properties collection through colProperties here.
Set CustomTask_Properties = colProperties
End Property
See Also
GetPropertiesForObject Method
Properties Collection
PropertiesProvider Object