The DynamicPropertiesTaskError constants specify codes used to report errors in DynamicPropertiesTask object execution.
Constant | Value | Description |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_AssignmentIndexOutOfRange | 1005 (x03ED) | An index for the Assignments collection is out of range. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_ConnectionIdNotFoundInPackage | 1009 (x03F1) | No Connection2 object with the specified ConnectionID was found. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_CouldNotOpenFileForReading | 1012 (x03F4) | The data file specified as the property value source could not be opened for reading. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_EnvironmentVariableNotFound | 1015 (x03F7) | The environment variable specified as the property value source could not be found. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_ExceededMaximumPropertySize | 1016 (x03F8) | The length of a string property value exceeds the maximum (256 characters). |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_GlobalVariableNotFoundInPackage | 1013 (x03F5) | The global variable specified as the property value source does not exist in the package. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_InvalidAssignmentIndexVariantType | 1018 (x03FA) | The Variant specified for an Assignments collection index does not have a type valid for that purpose. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_InvalidSourceType | 1002 (x03EA) | The value specified for the SourceType property is not defined. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_KeyNotFound | 1006 (x03EE) | The key specified as the property value source could not be found in the .ini file. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoEnvironmentVariableProvided | 1014 (x03F6) | No environment variable was specified as the property value source, although one was required. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoFileNameProvided | 1003 (x03EB) | No data file name was specified as the property value source, although one was required. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoGlobalVariableProvided | 1008 (x03F0) | No global variable was specified as the property value source, although one was required. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoKeyProvided | 1007 (x03EF) | No .ini file key was specified as the property value source, although one was required. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoPropertyValueProvided | 1011 (x03F3) | No property value could be retrieved from the .ini file. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoRowsReturnedFromQuery | 1010 (x03F2) | No rows were returned from the query that was the property value source. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_NoSectionProvided | 1004 (x03EC) | No .ini file section was specified, although one was required. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_PackagePropertyNotFound | 1001 (x03E9) | The specified package property whose value was to be changed is not defined. |
DTSDynamicProperties_E_SectionNotFound | 1005 (x03ED) | The specified section could not be found in the .ini file. |