DTS Programming


The DTSExceptionFileOptions constants specify how Data Transformation Services (DTS) DataPump errors and exception rows are to be written to files.

Constant Value Description
DTSExceptionFile_AbortOnRowLogFailure 8192 (x2000) Terminate the data pump if execution logging fails.
DTSExceptionFile_Ansi 256 (x0100) File type is ANSI (uses ANSI code page).
DTSExceptionFile_DestRowFile 8 Destination exception rows are written to the destination exception file.
DTSExceptionFile_ErrorFile 2 Error rows are written to the error file.
DTSExceptionFile_OEM 512 (x0200) File type is OEM (uses OEM code page).
DTSExceptionFile_Overwrite 4096 (x1000) Data is overwritten, rather than appended, to file.
DTSExceptionFile_SingleFile70 1 Errors, source, and destination exception rows are all written to a single ANSI file.
DTSExceptionFile_SourceRowFile 4 Source exception rows are written to the source exception file.
DTSExceptionFile_Unicode 1024 (x0400) File type is Unicode.

See Also

ExceptionFileOptions Property