The DTSMSMQError constants specify codes used to report errors in DTSMessageQueueTask object execution.
Constant | Value | Description |
DTSMSMQ_E_AssignmentIndexOutOfRange | 1006 (x03EE) | The index for the Item or Remove method of the DTSMQMessages collection was out of range. |
DTSMSMQ_E_CancelExecution | 1023 (x03FF) | A cancel execution request was received from the OnQueryCancel event. |
DTSMSMQ_E_CanNotGetMessageQueueInfo | 1015 (x03F7) | An error occurred setting the label or the body of an Message Queuing message. |
DTSMSMQ_E_CanNotGetPackageInfo | 1019 (x03FB) | An error occurred retrieving the package ID or version ID of the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package. |
DTSMSMQ_E_CanNotOpenMessageQueue | 1014 (x03F6) | The queue specified by the QueuePath property could not be opened. |
DTSMSMQ_E_CanNotSendMessage | 1017 (x03F9) | An error occurred sending a message to the queue after it was successfully opened. |
DTSMSMQ_E_DataFileSizeError | 1009 (x03F1) | A data file message exceeds the maximum allowed size, 4 megabytes (MB). |
DTSMSMQ_E_ErrorAccessMessageCollections | 1016 (x03F8) | An error occurred accessing the data of a message to be sent. |
DTSMSMQ_E_ErrorOpeningDataFile | 1008 (x03F0) | An error occurred opening the file that is the source of a data file message. |
DTSMSMQ_E_ErrorReadingDataFile | 1010 (x03F2) | An error occurred reading the file that is the source of a data file message. |
DTSMSMQ_E_ErrorSavingToDataFile | 1027 (x0403) | An error occurred creating the file that is to receive a data file message. |
DTSMSMQ_E_ErrorWritingDataFile | 1021 (x03FD) | An error occurred writing a data file message to the receiving file. |
DTSMSMQ_E_ExceededMaximumStringSize | 1001 (x03E9) | A string property value exceeds the maximum allowed size (usually 256 characters). |
DTSMSMQ_E_IncorrectDataFileMessageRead | 1020 (x03FC) | The length of a data file message differs from the expected length. |
DTSMSMQ_E_IncorrectGlobalVariablesMessageRead | 1025 (x0401) | An error occurred creating the global variable that is to receive a global variables message. |
DTSMSMQ_E_IncorrectMSMQMessageType | 1007 (x03EF) | The message type specified by the MessageType or ReceiveMessageType properties is not valid. |
DTSMSMQ_E_IncorrectStringCompareType | 1003 (x03EB) | The comparison type specified by the StringCompareType property is not valid. |
DTSMSMQ_E_IncorrectTaskType | 1002 (x03EA) | The task type specified by the TaskType property is not valid. |
DTSMSMQ_E_IncorrectTimeoutValue | 1004 (x03EC) | The timeout value specified by the ReceiveMessageTimeout property is not valid (negative). |
DTSMSMQ_E_InvalidAssignmentIndexVariantType | 1005 (x03ED) | The index specified by the Item or Remove method of the DTSMQMessages collection is not valid. |
DTSMSMQ_E_InvalidGlobalVariablesProperties | 1024 (x0400) | An error occurred formatting the global variables message to be sent. |
DTSMSMQ_E_InvalidTaskProperties | 1022 (x03FE) | A property required for the type of message to be received was not specified. |
DTSMSMQ_E_MessageQueueObjectsNotSupported | 1012 (x03F4) | An error occurred creating a Message Queuing object. Message Queuing was probably not properly installed. |
DTSMSMQ_E_NoMessageCollectionsFound | 1011 (x03F3) | The DTSMQMessages collection does not exist or contains zero elements. |
DTSMSMQ_E_NoMessageQueuePathSpecified | 1013 (x03F5) | The required QueuePath property was not specified. |
DTSMSMQ_E_OutOfMemory | 1018 (x03FA) | A memory allocation for character string data failed. |
DTSMSMQ_E_ReceiveMessageTimeout | 1026 (x0402) | The timeout value specified by the ReceiveMessageTimeout property has elapsed, the task is being failed. |