The DTSDataPumpError constants specify error ranges for Data Transformation Services (DTS) data pump execution.
Constant | Value | Description |
DTSDataPump_E_AutoBufferInterfaceNotSupported | 8273 (x2051) | A transform definition required buffering for the specified source column, but the requested interface is not ISequentialStream or ILockBytes. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_AbortPumpReturned | 8502 (x2136) | A transformation phase returned by DTSTransformStat_AbortPump. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_BadTransformFunction | 8259 (x2043) | Microsoft® ActiveX® scripting transform function was not found. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_CantChangeSrcCols | 8260 (x2044) | ActiveX scripting transform does not allow a script to change source columns. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_CantInitializeEngine | 8262 (x2046) | ActiveX scripting transform was not able to initialize the script execution engine. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_CantResetAfterInitialize | 8261 (x2045) | The scripting engine properties cannot be changed after the scripting engine has been instantiated. |
DTSDataPump_E_ AxScript_InvalidPhaseColumnAccess |
8500 (x2134) | The script attempted to write source columns or the column access code is undefined. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_NoPhaseFunc | 8503 (x2137) | A script function for a phase the transformation is to support was not found. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_ParseError | 8258 (x2042) | ActiveX script parsing fails when called by ValidateSchema method. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_RequiredParams | 8256 (x2040) | ActiveX scripting transform requires script Text, Language, and FunctionEntry parameters to be specified in IDTSDataPumpTransformScriptProperties. |
DTSDataPump_E_AxScript_RunTimeError | 8263 (x2047) | ActiveX scripting transform encountered a run-time error during the execution of the script. |
DTSDataPump_E_ AxScript_ValidateSchemaError |
8257 (x2041) | A transformation relied on a bad data type. User-defined data types, arrays, and vectors of types are not supported. |
DTSDataPump_E_BadTransformFlag | 8210 (x2012) | Invalid or incompatible DTSTransformFlag value(s). |
DTSDataPump_E_BadTransformPhase | 8496 (x2130) | An invalid transformation phase was specified, via the TransformPhases property. |
DTSDataPump_E_ BadTransformStatusReturned |
8211 (x2013) | Transform server returned an invalid DTSTransformStatus value, or an ActiveX script did not return an integral type. The data pump task will be terminated. |
DTSDataPump_E_CannotRebindColumn | 8213 (x2015) | Binding information for one or more columns has been specified in a prior transform and cannot be respecified. |
DTSDataPump_E_ CannotTransformChapterColumns |
8219 (x201B) | A column in a hierarchical rowset that contains chapters (child rowsets) cannot itself be transformed. |
DTSDataPump_E_ColCountButNoCols | 8198 (x2006) | A nonzero column count was specified with no column specification pointer. |
DTSDataPump_E_ColumnNameNotFound | 8200 (x2008) | Column name not found. |
DTSDataPump_E_ColumnOutOfRange | 8201 (x2009) | Column ordinal was out of range. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_BadBindInfo | 8231 (x2027) | Incorrect binding information on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_ Convert_BlobStorageNoInterface |
8238 (x202E) | The required source BLOB storage object interface does not exist. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_ConversionFailed | 8236 (x202C) | General conversion failure on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_ConversionInvalid | 8235 (x202B) | Conversion invalid for data types on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_DestNotNull | 8230 (x2026) | Destination does not allow NULL on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_DestOverflow | 8232 (x2028) | Destination overflowed on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_ Convert_ProviderOwnedTypeMismatch |
8237 (x202D) | DBMEMOWNER_PROVIDEROWNED type mismatch for an allocatable type on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_SourceInvalidLength | 8234 (x202A) | Source data length invalid for its type or for conversion to destination type on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_Convert_SourceInvalidVariant | 8233 (x2029) | Source variant invalid on column pair. |
DTSDataPump_E_ Copy_NeedSrcAndDestColumns |
8228 (x2024) | A DTSTransformCopy operation must specify no columns or the same number of source and destination columns. |
DTSDataPump_E_Copy_ValidateSchemaError | 8229 (x2025) | ValidateSchema method failed. See extended error information appended to error description. For more information, see OnError Event and GetExecutionErrorInfo Method. |
DTSDataPump_E_DataPumpNotReentrant | 8207 (x200F) | Data pump implements a single execution operation and is therefore not reentrant. |
DTSDataPump_E_ DDQ_BadTransformStatusContext |
8293 (x2065) | Transform status returned a DataDrivenQueryTask value, but no DataDrivenQueryTask object was specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_DDQ_DestColumnNeedsLength | 8295 (x2067) | One or more destination column definitions is variable-length and requires a maximum column size to be specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_ DDQ_DestColumnNotTransformed |
8294 (x2066) | One or more destination parameter columns had no transform specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_ DDQ_DestDoesNotSupportSQL |
8296 (x2068) | The destination OLE DB provider does not implement the IDBCreateCommand interface, which is needed to support SQL. |
DTSDataPump_E_ DDQ_InformationNotSet |
8293 (x2065) | Attempted to get data driven query destination information when data pump instance is not a DataDrivenQueryTask (internal error). |
DTSDataPump_E_DDQ_NeedDeleteQuery | 8291 (x2063) | Transform status returned DeleteQuery value, but no DeleteQuery property was specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_DDQ_NeedInsertQuery | 8289 (x2061) | Transform status returned InsertQuery value, but no InsertQuery property was specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_DDQ_NeedTransformStatus | 8288 (x2060) | No query specification returned by transform status. |
DTSDataPump_E_DDQ_NeedUpdateQuery | 8290 (x2062) | Transform status returned UpdateQuery value, but no UpdateQuery property was specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_DDQ_NeedUserQuery | 8292 (x2064) | Transform status returned UserQuery value, but no UserQuery property was specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_ DDQ_TransformStatusForced |
8297 (x2069) | Transformation improperly tried to set query type. |
DTSDataPump_E_DestColumnAlreadySpecified | 8202 (x200A) | One or more destination columns have been specified already in this or a prior transformation. |
DTSDataPump_E_DestColumnReadOnly | 8208 (x2010) | One or more destination columns are read-only; you must define a mapping which does not include them. |
DTSDataPump_E_DestinationBlobBinding | 8224 (x2020) | In-memory destination BLOB (DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) columns must specify a nonzero cbInMemoryBlobSize. |
DTSDataPump_E_DestRowsetNotSupplied | 8195 (x2003) | Destination columns or other information specified, but no destination rowset was supplied. |
DTSDataPump_E_IDataConvertRequired | 8203 (x200B) | Transform requires an IDataConvert interface to be available on the destination rowset or from an OLE DB installation (Msdadc.dll). |
DTSDataPump_E_InvalidDataPumpOption | 8499 (x2133) | DataPumpOptions property was set to an invalid value. |
DTSDataPump_E_InvalidDTSBindMode | 8215 (x2017) | Invalid or incompatible DTSBindMode value(s), or DTSBindMode value incompatible with column type. |
DTSDataPump_E_InvalidFetchBufferSize | 8214 (x2016) | FetchBufferSize property value must be nonzero. |
DTSDataPump_E_InvalidSpecifyBlobDefaults | 8273 (x2051) | Invalid DTSSpecifyBlobDefaults enumeration value(s). |
DTSDataPump_E_InvalidStatusForPhase | 8497 (x2131) | The transformation phase returned a status value that is invalid for that phase. |
DTSDataPump_E_ LastRowCantBeLessThanFirst |
8275 (x2053) | The LastRow property cannot be less than the FirstRow property. |
DTSDataPump_E_LineageVariableNotFound | 8274 (x2052) | A global variable or lineage variable was not found. |
DTSDataPump_E_LookupDupName | 8218 (x201A) | A lookup name duplicates one that already exists. |
DTSDataPump_E_MismatchColOrdAndName | 8199 (x2007) | A column ordinal referenced the wrong column name. Ordinals are used only to distinguish between multiple columns with the same name. |
DTSDataPump_E_ MustSpecifyDestOrTransform |
8209 (x2011) | A destination or one or more transformations must be specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_NonBlobStorageBind | 8217 (x2019) | Non-BLOB (DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) columns cannot be bound to storage objects. |
DTSDataPump_E_NotImplemented | 8192 (x2000) | Method or property not yet implemented. |
DTSDataPump_E_NotReentrant | 8205 (x200D) | Data pump implements a single execution operation and is therefore not reentrant. |
DTSDataPump_E_NullVariantIUnknown | 8206 (x200C) | Passed variant is of type IUnknown, but contains a NULL pointer. |
DTSDataPump_E_RowFailuresExceedLimit | 8298 (x206A) | The number of error rows exceeded the MaximumErrorCount property. |
DTSDataPump_E_RowsetChangeMustInsert | 8206 (x200E) | Destination IRowsetChange must support InsertRow (DBPROPVAL_UP_INSERT). |
DTSDataPump_E_RowsetsAlreadySet | 8193 (x2001) | Can be set only before Rowsets or DataDrivenQueryTask have been initialized. |
DTSDataPump_E_RowsetsNotSupplied | 8196 (x2004) | NonNULL source rowset and an optional destination rowset must be specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_SourceBlobBinding | 8216 (x2018) | In-Memory Source BLOB (DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) columns cannot be bound with DTSBindMode_Byref, and must specify a nonzero cbInMemoryBlobSize. |
DTSDataPump_E_SourceColumnsRequired | 8197 (x2005) | Source columns are required for nondefault transformations. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ ErrorParsingInputData |
8342 (x2096) | Error parsing the input datetime string. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ ErrorParsingInputFormat |
8340 (x2094) | Error parsing the value of the InputFormat property. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ ErrorParsingOutputFormat |
8341 (x2095) | Error parsing the value of the OutputFormat property. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ IndexOutOfRange |
8337 (x2091) | The index used to access the array of day names or month names is out of range. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ InvalidFormatString |
8343 (x2097) | A string did not have a valid datetime format. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ InvalidNameOrFormat |
8338 (x2092) | A required property or internal name was set to an empty string. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ InvalidY2KCutoff |
8339 (x2093) | The ShortYear2000Cutoff property was set to a value outside of 0...99. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformDateTimeString_ NeedSrcAndDestColumns |
8336 (x2090) | Something other than exactly one source column and exactly one destination column was specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformReadFile_ FileNotFound |
8480 (x2120) | The file from which column data was to be read could not be opened. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformReadFile_ InvalidDestSchema |
8482 (x2122) | The destination column had type other than DBTYPE_STR, DBTYPE_WSTR or DBTYPE_BYTES. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformReadFile_ InvalidSourceSchema |
8481 (x2121) | The source column had type other than DBTYPE_STR, DBTYPE_WSTR or DBTYPE_BSTR. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformReadFile_ NeedSrcAndDestColumns |
8322 (x2082) | Something other than exactly one source column and exactly one destination column were specified. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformsAlreadySet | 8194 (x2002) | Reserved. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformServerException | 8212 (x2014) | Transform server generated an exception. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformString_ ColumnCount |
8321 (x2081) | A Trim String or Middle of String transformation specified other than one source column. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformString_ DestStringTrunc |
8324 (x2084) | Destination truncation occurred in a Lowercase String, Uppercase String, Trim String or Middle of String transformation when DTSTransformFlag_AllowStringTruncation was not set. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformString_ NeedSrcAndDestColumns |
8320 (x2080) | The number of source columns differs from the number of destination columns in a Lowercase String, Uppercase String, Trim String or Middle of String transformation. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformString_ ValidateSchemaError |
8323 (x2083) | The conversion from source to destination column cannot be performed without error, within the parameters of the TransformFlags property, in a Lowercase String, Uppercase String, Trim String or Middle of String transformation. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ FetchedNullFileName |
8454 (x2106) | The source column that is to contain the file specification is NULL or empty. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ FileAlreadyExists |
8449 (x2101) | The file that is to be written already exists, and ErrorIfFileExists has been set. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ FileColumnNameNotFound |
8450 (x2102) | The column named by the FileColumnName property could not be found. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ InvalidDestSchema |
8452 (x2104) | The source column that contains the file data has type other than DBTYPE_STR, DBTYPE_WSTR or DBTYPE_BSTR. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ InvalidFileColumnName |
8453 (x2105) | The FileColumnName property was set to NULL or an empty string or was not set. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ InvalidSourceSchema |
8451 (x2103) | The source column that contains the file specification has type other than DBTYPE_STR, DBTYPE_WSTR, DBTYPE_BYTES or DBTYPE_BSTR. |
DTSDataPump_E_TransformWriteFile_ NeedSrcAndDestColumns |
8448 (x2100) | Something other than exactly two source columns and no destination columns were specified for a Write File transformation. |
DTSDataPump_E_UnsupportedPhase | 8498 (x2132) | A Copy, Uppercase String, Lowercase String, Trim String, Middle of String, Datetime String, Read File or Write File transformation had a phase other than Transform specified. |