DTS Programming

OLEDBProviderInfos Collection

The OLEDBProviderInfos collection contains OLEDBProviderInfo objects that provide information about each OLE DB provider available on the computer system.

Applies To
Application Object

Count Property UseCache Property
Parent Property  

Item Method Refresh Method


Obtain a reference to the OLEDBProviderInfos collection from the Application object.

You can iterate through the objects of the OLEDBProviderInfos collection using the Item method and Count property. However, it is faster to use For Each ... Next in Microsoft® Visual Basic®.

DTS maintains a cache, in the operating system registry, which holds the OLE DB provider information. If the UseCache property is TRUE, the cache is scanned, rather than all registered classes, when iterating through the OLEDBProviderInfos collection. Use the Refresh method to update the cache from the registered classes section of the system registry.

See Also

Application Object

Item Method

OLEDBProviderInfo Object

Refresh Method

Retrieving DTS System, Package and Log Data

UseCache Property