DTS Programming

Creating DTS Objects in Visual Basic

The topics that follow describe the creation and configuration of Data Transformation Services (DTS) objects that are used to implement a DTS package in Microsoft® Visual Basic®.

Topic Description
DTS Packages in Visual Basic Explains how to create and configure a Package or Package2 object.
DTS Connections in Visual Basic Explains how to create and configure a Connection or Connection2 object for a database or other data source.
DTS Package Workflow in Visual Basic Explains how to create and configure a Step object and how to create and add PrecedenceConstraint objects to implement workflow.
DTS Tasks in Visual Basic Explains how to create a Task object and how to configure it and the class-specific task object.
DTS Transformations in Visual Basic Explains how to create a Transformation object and how to configure it and the transform server object.
DTS Column Objects in Visual Basic Explains how to create and add Column objects in order to define source and destination columns.
DTS Lookups in Visual Basic Explains how to create and configure a Lookup object and access it from a Microsoft ActiveX® script.
DTS Global Variables in Visual Basic Explains how to create and configure a GlobalVariable object and how to explicitly create a global variable prior to package execution.
DTS ActiveX Scripts in Visual Basic Explains how to add ActiveX scripts to ActiveScriptTask and DataPumpTransformScript objects.
DTS Query Strings in Visual Basic Explains how to add query strings to the objects that use them and describes the details and limitations of each object type.
DTS Package Events in Visual Basic Explains how to implement event handlers for Package object events.