DTS Designer Help

Trim String Transformation Properties

Use this dialog box to remove leading, trailing, and embedded white space from a string in the source column, and copy the result to the destination column.


Trimming Options

Select the location in the string from which to remove white space.

Trim leading white space
Remove any white space preceding the first character of the string data.
Trim trailing white space
Remove any white space after the last character of the string data.
Trim embedded white space
Remove any white space in between the first and last characters of the string data.

Case Options

Select whether to change the case of the string data as part of the transformation.

Do not change case
Leave the case of the string data intact after performing any trim operations.
Change the case of the string data to uppercase after performing any trim operations.
Change the case of the string data to lowercase after performing any trim operations.

See Also

Trim String Transformation

Middle of String Transformation