DB Library for C


The following error values are defined in the header file Sqlfront.h. Note that errors with a severity of EXCOMM also have a network-related error message appended to the dberrstr value. EXCOMM errors also have network-specific error information in oserr and oserrstr.

Error # Error Severity Description
10000 SQLEMEM EXRESOURCE Unable to allocate sufficient memory.
10001 SQLENULL EXPROGRAM NULL DBPROCESS pointer encountered.
10003 SQLEPWD EXUSER Login incorrect.
10004 SQLECONN EXCOMM Unable to connect: Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 is unavailable or does not exist.
10005 SQLEDDNE EXINFO DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled.
10007 SQLESMSG EXSERVER General SQL Server error: Check messages from SQL Server.
10008 SQLEBTOK EXCOMM Bad token from SQL Server: Datastream processing out of synchronization.
10009 SQLENSPE EXPROGRAM General nonspecific DB-Library error.
10010 SQLEREAD EXCOMM Read from SQL Server failed.
10011 SQLECNOR EXPROGRAM Column number out of range.
10012 SQLETSIT EXINFO Attempt to call dbtsput with an invalid timestamp.
10013 SQLEPARM EXCONSISTENCY Invalid parameter in DB-Library function reference.
10014 SQLEAUTN EXPROGRAM Attempt to update the timestamp of a table with no timestamp column.
10015 SQLECOFL EXCONVERSION Data conversion resulted in overflow.
10016 SQLERDCN EXCONVERSION Requested data conversion does not exist.
10017 SQLEICN EXPROGRAM Invalid value for computeid or invalid compute column number.
10018 SQLECLOS EXCOMM Error in closing network connection.
10019 SQLENTXT EXPROGRAM Attempt to get text point/timestamp from a nontext column.
10020 SQLEDNTI EXPROGRAM Attempt to use dbtxtsput to put a new text timestamp into a column whose data type is neither SQLTEXT nor SQLIMAGE.
10021 SQLETMTD EXPROGRAM Attempt to send too much text data through dbmoretext.
10022 SQLEASEC EXPROGRAM Attempt to send an empty command buffer to the SQL Server.
10023 SQLENTLL EXUSER Name too long for LOGINREC field.
10024 SQLETIME EXTIME SQL Server connection timed out.
10025 SQLEWRIT EXCOMM Write to SQL Server failed.
10026 SQLEMODE EXCOMM Network connection not in correct mode; invalid SQL Server connection.
10027 SQLEOOB EXCOMM Error in sending out-of-band data to SQL Server.
10028 SQLEITIM EXPROGRAM Illegal time-out value specified.
10029 SQLEDBPS EXRESOURCE Maximum number of DBPROCESS structures already allocated.
10030 SQLEIOPT EXPROGRAM Attempt to use invalid dboption.
10031 SQLEASNL EXPROGRAM Attempt to set fields in a null LOGINREC.
10032 SQLEASUL EXPROGRAM Attempt to set unknown LOGINREC field.
10033 SQLENPRM EXPROGRAM NULL parameter not allowed for this dboption.
10034 SQLEDBOP EXPROGRAM Invalid or out of range dbn parameter.
10035 SQLENSIP EXPROGRAM Negative starting index passed to dbstrcpy.
10036 SQLECNULL EXPROGRAM NULL destination variable not allowed.
10037 SQLESEOF EXCOMM Unexpected EOF from SQL Server.
10038 SQLERPND EXPROGRAM Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending.
10039 SQLECSYN EXCONVERSION Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field.
10040 SQLENONET EXCOMM DB-Library network communications layer not loaded.
10041 SQLEBTYP EXPROGRAM Unknown bind type passed to DB-Library function.
10042 SQLEABNC EXPROGRAM Attempt to bind to a nonexistent column.
10043 SQLEABMT EXPROGRAM User attempted a dbbind with mismatched column and variable types.
10044 SQLEABNP EXPROGRAM Attempt to bind using NULL pointers.
10045 SQLEBNCR EXPROGRAM Attempt to bind user variable to a nonexistent compute row.
10046 SQLEAAMT EXPROGRAM User attempted a dbaltbind with mismatched column and variable types.
10047 SQLENXID EXNONFATAL The server did not grant a distributed-transaction ID.
10048 SQLEIFNB EXPROGRAM Invalid field number passed to bcp_control.
10049 SQLEKBCO EXINFO 1000 rows successfully bulk copied to host file.
10050 SQLEBBCI EXINFO Batch successfully bulk copied to SQL Server.
10051 SQLEKBCI EXINFO 1000 rows sent to SQL Server.
10052 SQLEBCWE EXNONFATAL I/O error while writing bcp data file.
10053 SQLEBCNN EXUSER Attempt to bulk copy a null value into a server column that does not accept null values.
10054 SQLEBCOR EXCONSISTENCY Attempt to bulk copy an oversized row to SQL Server.
10055 SQLEBCPI EXPROGRAM Call bcp_init before any other bcp routines.
10056 SQLEBCPN EXPROGRAM Use bcp_bind, bcp_collen, and bcp_colptr only after calling bcp_init with the copy direction set to DB_IN.
10057 SQLEBCPB EXPROGRAM Do not use bcp_bind after bcp_init has been passed a nonnull data file name.
10058 SQLEVDPT EXUSER For bulk copy, all variable-length data must have either a length prefix or a terminator specified.
10059 SQLEBIVI EXPROGRAM Use bcp_columns and bcp_colfmt only after bcp_init has been passed a valid data file.
10060 SQLEBCBC EXPROGRAM Call bcp_columns before bcp_colfmt.
10061 SQLEBCFO EXUSER Host files must contain at least one column: bcp.
10062 SQLEBCVH EXPROGRAM Call bcp_exec only after bcp_init has been passed a valid host file.
10063 SQLEBCUO EXRESOURCE Unable to open host datafile: bcp.
10064 SQLEBUOE EXRESOURCE Unable to open error file: bcp.
10065 SQLEBWEF EXNONFATAL I/O error while writing bcp error file.
10066 SQLEBTMT EXPROGRAM Attempt to send too much text data with bcp_moretext.
10067 SQLEBEOF EXNONFATAL Unexpected EOF encountered in bcp datafile.
10068 SQLEBCSI EXCONSISTENCY Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying into the server.
10069 SQLEPNUL EXCONSISTENCY NULL program pointer encountered.
10070 SQLEBSKERR EXCONSISTENCY Cannot seek in data file.
10071 SQLEBDIO EXPROGRAM Bad bulk-copy direction.
10072 SQLEBCNT EXUSER Attempt to use bulk copy with a nonexistent server table.
10073 SQLEMDBP EXPROGRAM Attempt to set maximum number of DPPROCESS structures lower than 1.
10075 SQLCRSINV EXPROGRAM Invalid cursor statement.
10076 SQLCRSCMD EXPROGRAM Attempt to call cursor functions when there are commands waiting to be executed.
10077 SQLCRSNOIND EXINFO One of the tables involved in the cursor statement does not have a unique index.
10078 SQLCRSDIS EXPROGRAM Cursor statement contains one of the disallowed phrases COMPUTE, UNION, FOR BROWSE, or SELECT INTO.
10079 SQLCRSAGR EXPROGRAM Aggregate functions are not allowed in a cursor statement.
10080 SQLCRSORD EXPROGRAM Only fully keyset driven cursors can have ORDER BY, GROUP BY, or HAVING PHRASES clauses.
10081 SQLCRSMEM EXPROGRAM Keyset or window scroll size exceeds the memory limitations of this computer.
10082 SQLCRSBSKEY EXPROGRAM Keyset cannot be scrolled backward in mixed cursors with a previous fetch type.
10083 SQLCRSNORES EXINFO Cursor statement generated no results.
10084 SQLCRSVIEW EXPROGRAM A view cannot be joined with another table or a view in a cursor statement.
10085 SQLCRSBUFR EXPROGRAM Row buffering should not be turned on when using cursor functions.
10086 SQLCRSFROWN EXINFO Row number to be fetched is outside valid range.
10087 SQLCRSBROL EXPROGRAM Backward scrolling cannot be used in a forward scrolling cursor.
10088 SQLCRSFRAND EXPROGRAM Fetch types RANDOM and RELATIVE can only be used within the keyset of keyset driven cursors.
10089 SQLCRSFLAST EXPROGRAM Fetch type LAST requires fully keyset driven cursors.
10090 SQLCRSRO EXPROGRAM Data locking or modifications cannot be made in a READONLY cursor.
10091 SQLCRSTAB EXPROGRAM Table name must be determined in operations involving data locking or modifications.
10092 SQLCRSUPDTAB EXPROGRAM Update or insert operations using bind variables require single table cursors.
10093 SQLCRSUPDNB EXPROGRAM Update or insert operations cannot use bind variables when binding type is NOBIND.
10094 SQLCRSVIIND EXPROGRAM The view used in the cursor statement does not include all the unique index columns of the underlying tables.
10095 SQLCRSNOUPD EXINFO Update or delete operation did not affect any rows.
10096 SQLCRSOS2 EXPROGRAM Cursors are not supported for this server.
10097 SQLEBCSA EXPROGRAM The BCP hostfile %s contains only %ld rows. Skipping all of these rows is not allowed.
10098 SQLCRSRO EXPROGRAM Data locking or modifications cannot be made in a READONLY cursor.
10099 SQLEBCNE EXPROGRAM The table %s contains only %ld rows. Copying up to row %ld is not possible.
10100 SQLEBCSK EXPROGRAM The table %s contains only %ld rows. Skipping all of these rows is not allowed.
10101 SQLEUVBF EXPROGRAM Attempt to read unknown version of bcp format file.
10102 SQLEBIHC EXPROGRAM Incorrect host-column number found in bcp format file.
10103 SQLEBWFF EXRESOURCE I/O error while reading bcp format file.
10104 SQLNUMVAL EXPROGRAM The data stored in the DBNUMERIC/DBDECIMAL structure is invalid.
10105 SQLEOLDVR EXPROGRAM The SQL Server's TDS is obsolete with this version of DB-Library.
10106 SQLEBCPS EXPROGRAM The row length exceeds SQL Server's maximum allowable size.
10107 SQLEDTC EXRESOURCE Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator call failed.
10108 SQLENOTIMPL EXPROGRAM This function is not supported on this platform at this time.
10109 SQLENONFLOAT EXPROGRAM float conversion attempt failed. The source is invalid.
10110 SQLECONNFB EXCOMM Unable to connect: DB Server is unavailable or does not exist - will attempt a fallback connection.