Returns information about the specified column of a client cursor, transparent server cursor, or explicit server cursor.
RETCODE dbcursorcolinfo (
PDBCURSOR hcursor,
INT column,
LPSTR colname,
LPINT coltype,
LPDBINT collen,
LPINT usertype );
Is the cursor handle created by dbcursoropen.
Is the column number in the cursor for which information is to be returned. The first column is number 1.
Is a pointer to the program variable that will contain the name of the column. The program variable should be large enough to accommodate the column name. If colname is set to NULL or -1, the column name is not returned.
Is a pointer to the program variable that will contain the data type token of the column. If coltype is set to NULL or -1, the column data type is not returned.
Is a pointer to the program variable that will contain the maximum length of the column, in bytes. If collen is set to NULL or -1, the maximum column length is not returned.
Is a pointer to the program variable that will contain the user-defined data type of the column. If usertype is set to NULL or -1, the column user-defined data type is not returned.
Call dbcursorcolinfo after dbcursoropen returns a valid cursor handle. The dbcolinfo function returns more detailed information about a cursor column.