Creating and Using Data Warehouses

Creating a Data Warehouse

Creating a data warehouse is a significant project with a number of steps. The topics in this section address these steps.

Topic Description
Designing a Data Warehouse Describes considerations specific to designing data warehouses and the use of dimensional modeling.
Creating the Data Preparation Area Describes the creation of the relational database used to prepare data for the data warehouse.
Creating the Data Warehouse Database Describes the creation of the relational database that holds the data warehouse data.
Extracting Data from Operational Systems Describes the process of extracting data from operational systems into the data preparation area.
Cleansing and Transforming Data Describes the process of cleansing and transforming data in the data preparation area before loading the data into the data warehouse.
Loading Data into the Data Warehouse Database Describes the process of loading data into the data warehouse database from the data preparation area.
Preparing Presentation Information Describes the process of preparing data in the data warehouse for presentation to users.
Distributing Data to Data Marts Describes the process of distributing data from the data warehouse to data marts.