This example demonstrates how to use SQL Server Service Manager to enable others to issue full-text queries against the writers and books tables. The writers and books tables are fictitious tables located in the pubs database. For a description of the tables, see Administering Full-Text Features Using Stored Procedures and Scalar Functions_administering_full-text_features_using_stored_procedures_and_scalar_functions
If necessary, the service can be started and stopped in one of these ways:
SELECT DatabaseProperty ('Pubs', 'IsFulltextEnabled' )
For more information, see DATABASEPROPERTY.
This returns 1 if full-text support has been enabled, and 0 if it has not.
sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
For more information, see sp_fulltext_database.
sp_fulltext_catalog 'PubsCatalog', 'create'
For more information, see sp_fulltext_catalog.
This creates meta data about a full-text catalog in the system tables of the database and builds an empty full-text catalog in the file system.
sp_fulltext_table 'writers', 'create', 'PubsCatalog',
sp_fulltext_table 'books', 'create', 'PubsCatalog', 'isbn_index'
For more information, see sp_fulltext_table.
Both tables use the PubsCatalog full-text catalog. These stored procedure calls create meta data about both full-text indexes.
sp_fulltext_column 'writers', 'organization', 'add'
sp_fulltext_column 'writers', 'bio', 'add'
sp_fulltext_column 'books', 'writer_name', 'add'
sp_fulltext_column 'books', 'the words', 'add'
sp_fulltext_column 'books', 'abstract', 'add'
For more information, see sp_fulltext_column.
Note A mistake was made for the sake of illustration: for the books table, the writer_name column, rather than the titles column, has been registered.
These stored procedure calls augment meta data about both full-text indexes.
sp_fulltext_table 'writers', 'activate'
sp_fulltext_table 'books', 'activate'
This does not actually create the full-text indexes. Rather, it registers the tables in the full-text catalog so that data from these tables will be included in the next population.
sp_fulltext_catalog 'PubsCatalog', 'start_full'
Because the population of a full-text catalog is an asynchronous operation, it is unlikely that the full-text indexes are created immediately.
SELECT FulltextCatalogProperty ( 'PubsCatalog', 'PopulateStatus')
For more information, see FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY.
This returns 0 if the service is idle for the full-text catalog and therefore finished, and 1 or more to indicate the stage of population.
SELECT B.writer_name, B.pub_date, B.the_words, A.royalties_ytd
FROM writers A, books B
WHERE A.writer_name = B.writer_name
AND A.citizenship = 'Canadian'
AND CONTAINS (B.the_words, '"Indexing Service" NEAR "Indexing Service"')
SELECT writer_name, pub_date, abstract
FROM books
WHERE CONTAINS (title, '"Classic" NEAR "French" NEAR "Cooking"')
This last query results in an error because the title column was not enabled for full-text queries.
SELECT ColumnProperty ( ObjectId('books'), 'title', 'IsFullTextIndexed' )
For more information, see COLUMNPROPERTY.
This returns 1 if the title column is part of the full-text index for the books table, and 0 if it is not.
sp_help_fulltext_columns 'books'
For more information, see sp_help_fulltext_columns.
Note The results of this query show there was a mistake and that the writer_name column, rather than the title column, was included in the full-text index definition.
sp_fulltext_table 'books', 'deactivate'
In addition to allowing columns to be added and deleted, deactivating the books table means the table no longer participates in the population of the PubsCatalog full-text catalog. However, the meta data remains and the table can be reactivated. The existing full-text index for the books table remains in place until the next full population of the PubsCatalog full-text catalog, but it is unused because Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 blocks queries on deactivated tables.
sp_fulltext_column 'books', 'writer_name', 'drop'
sp_fulltext_column 'books', 'title', 'add'
For more information, see sp_fulltext_column.
sp_fulltext_table 'books', 'activate'
If the table is reactivated and the index is not repopulated, the old index is still available for queries against the remaining full-text enabled columns, but not for queries against any new full-text enabled columns. Before repopulation, data from deleted columns can be matched on queries that specify a search of all full-text columns by typing an asterisk (*) for the column name.
sp_fulltext_catalog 'PubsCatalog', 'start_incremental'
An incremental population refreshes the full-text catalog by indexing data in full-text enabled columns with these characteristics: