Inline user-defined functions are a subset of user-defined functions that return a table. Inline functions can be used to achieve the functionality of parameterized views.
Consider this view:
CREATE VIEW vw_CustomerNamesInWA AS
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName
FROM Northwind.dbo.Customers
WHERE Region = 'WA'
You can create a more generalized version, vw_CustomerNamesInRegion, by replacing the WHERE Region = 'WA' with a WHERE Region = @RegionParameter and letting users specify the region they are interested in viewing. Views, however, do not support parameters in the search conditions specified in the WHERE clause.
Inline user-defined functions can be used to support parameters in the search conditions specified in the WHERE clause. This is an example of a function that allows users to specify the region in their select:
CREATE FUNCTION fn_CustomerNamesInRegion
( @RegionParameter nvarchar(30) )
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName
FROM Northwind.dbo.Customers
WHERE Region = @RegionParameter
-- Example of calling the function for a specific region
FROM fn_CustomerNamesInRegion(N'WA')
Inline user-defined functions follow these rules:
Inline functions can also be used to increase the power of indexed views. The indexed view itself cannot use parameters in its WHERE clause search conditions to tailor the stored result set to specific users. You can, however, define an indexed view that stores the complete set of data that matches the view, and then define an inline function over the indexed view that contains parameterized search conditions that allow users to tailor their results. If the view definition is complex, most of the work performed to build a result set involves operations such as building aggregates or joining several tables when the clustered index is created on the view. If you then create an inline function that references the view, the function can apply the user's parameterized filters to pull specific rows from the result set that was built by the CREATE INDEX statement. The complex aggregations and joins are done once, at CREATE INDEX time, and all subsequent queries referencing the inline function filter rows from the simplified, stored result set. For example:
CREATE FUNCTION fn_QuarterlySalesByStore
@StoreID int
FROM SalesDB.dbo.vw_QuarterlySales
WHERE StoreID = @StoreID
FROM fn_QuarterlySalesByStore( 14432 )
Most of the work needed to satisfy the queries issued at Step 4 is to aggregate the sales data by quarter. This work is done once at Step 2. Each individual SELECT statement in Step 4 uses the function fn_QuarterlySalesByStore to filter out the aggregated data specific to their store.