Creating and Maintaining Databases

Creating a Partitioned View

A partitioned view joins horizontally partitioned data from a set of member tables across one or more servers, making the data appear as if from one table. Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 distinguishes between local and distributed partitioned views. In a local partitioned view, all participating tables and the view reside on the same instance of SQL Server. In a distributed partitioned view, at least one of the participating tables resides on a different (remote) server. In addition, SQL Server 2000 differentiates between partitioned views that are updatable and views that are read-only copies of the underlying tables.

Distributed partitioned views can be used to implement a federation of database servers. A federation is a group of servers administered independently, but which cooperate to share the processing load of a system. Forming a federation of database servers by partitioning data is the mechanism that enables you to scale out a set of servers to support the processing requirements of large, multitiered Web sites. For more information, see Designing Federated Database Servers.

Before implementing a partitioned view, you must first partition a table horizontally. The original table is replaced with several smaller member tables. Each member table has the same number of columns as the original table, and each column has the same attributes (such as data type, size, collation) as the corresponding column in the original table. If you are creating a distributed partitioned view, each member table is on a separate member server. For the greatest location transparency, the name of the member databases should be the same on each member server, although this is not a requirement. For example: Server1.CustomerDB, Server2.CustomerDB, Server3.CustomerDB.

You design the member tables so that each table stores a horizontal slice of the original table based on a range of key values. The ranges are based on the data values in a partitioning column. The range of values in each member table is enforced by a CHECK constraint on the partitioning column, and ranges cannot overlap. For example, you cannot have one table with a range from 1 through 200000, and another with a range from 150000 through 300000 because it would not be clear which table contains the values from 150000 through 200000.

For example, you are partitioning a Customer table into three tables. The CHECK constraint for these tables is:

-- On Server1:
CREATE TABLE Customer_33
                CHECK (CustomerID BETWEEN 1 AND 32999),
  ... -- Additional column definitions)

-- On Server2:
CREATE TABLE Customer_66
                CHECK (CustomerID BETWEEN 33000 AND 65999),
  ... -- Additional column definitions)

-- On Server3:
CREATE TABLE Customer_99
                CHECK (CustomerID BETWEEN 66000 AND 99999),
  ... -- Additional column definitions)

After creating the member tables, you define a distributed partitioned view on each member server, with each view having the same name. This allows queries referencing the distributed partitioned view name to run on any of the member servers. The system operates as if a copy of the original table is on each member server, but each server has only a member table and a distributed partitioned view. The location of the data is transparent to the application.

You build the distributed partitioned views by:

To create distributed partitioned views for the preceding example, you must:

Updatable Partitioned Views

If a local or distributed partitioned view is not updatable, it can serve only as a read-only copy of the original table. An updatable partitioned view can exhibit all the capabilities of the original table.

A view is considered an updatable partitioned view if:

Table Rules

Member tables are defined in the FROM clause in each SELECT statement in the view definition. Each member table must adhere to these rules:

Column Rules

Columns are defined in the select list of each SELECT statement in the view definition. The columns must follow these rules.

Partitioning Column Rules

A partitioning column exists on each member table and, through CHECK constraints, identifies the data available in that specific table. Partitioning columns must adhere to these rules:

A partitioned column that meets all these rules will support all of the optimizations that are supported by the SQL Server 2000 query optimizer. For more information, see Resolving Distributed Partitioned Views.

Data Modification Rules

In addition to the rules defined for updatable partitioned views, data modification statements referencing the view must adhere to the rules defined for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.

Note  You can modify data through a partitioned view only if you install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition or Microsoft. SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition.

INSERT Statements

INSERT statements add data to the member tables through the partitioned view. The INSERT statements must adhere to these rules:

UPDATE Statements

UPDATE statements modify data in one or more of the member tables through the partitioned view. The UPDATE statements must adhere to these rules:

DELETE Statements

DELETE statements remove data in one or more of the member tables through the partitioned view. The DELETE statements must adhere to this rule:

Distributed Partition View Rules

In addition to the rules defined for partitioned views, distributed (remote) partition views have these additional conditions:

A view that references partitioned tables without following all these rules may still be updatable if there is an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view. The query optimizer, however, may not always be able to build execution plans for a view with an INSTEAD OF trigger that are as efficient as the plans for a partitioned view that follows all of the rules.

See Also


Designing Partitions

Scenarios for Using Views

Using Partitioned Views
