Creating and Maintaining Databases

SET Options That Affect Results

Indexed views and indexes on computed columns involve storing results in the database for later reference. These stored results are valid only if all connections referring to the results can generate the same result set as the connection that created the stored result set.

Indexed Views

Indexed views store the result set returned by a view by creating a clustered index on the view. For complex views, the stored result set greatly speeds data retrieval. An indexed view is useful only as long as all operations referencing the view use exactly the same algorithms when building their results. Like indexes for computed columns, this includes:

Indexes on Computed Columns

Indexes on computed columns must calculate the computed column values to build the keys stored in the index. An index on a computed column works only as long as all operations using the index use exactly the same algorithms to determine the key values:

SET Option Settings

Any SET options that affect the results generated by Transact-SQL statements must have the same settings for all operations referencing the index. There are seven SET options that affect the results stored in computed columns and returned by views. All connections using indexes on computed columns or indexed views must have the same settings for these seven options:

These SET options must be set correctly for any connection that creates an index on a view or computed column. Any connection executing INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements that change data values stored in the indexes must have the correct settings. This includes bulk copy, Data Transformation Services (DTS), and replication operations. Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 generates an error and rolls back any insert, update, or delete operation attempted by a connection that does not have the proper option settings. The optimizer does not consider using an index on a computed column or view in the execution plan of any Transact-SQL statement if the connection does not have the correct option settings.

For example, a table is defined and populated using this script:

  (PartID            int PRIMARY KEY,
   PartName          char(10),
   PartMaterial      char(10),
   PartColor         char(10),
   PartDescription   AS PartMaterial + PartColor
INSERT INTO Parts VALUES (1, 'Table', 'Wood', 'Red')
INSERT INTO Parts VALUES (2, 'Chair', 'Fabric', 'Blue')
INSERT INTO Parts VALUES (3, 'Bolt', 'Steel', NULL)

The value calculated for the PartDescription column for the row, where PartID is 3, depends on the CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL option. If CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is set to ON, the calculated value is NULL. If CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is set to OFF, the calculated value is the string 'Steel'. For an index on the PartDescription column to be properly maintained, all INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations must have the same setting of CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON as the connection that created the index. The index is also not used by the optimizer for any connection with a different CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL setting from the connections that created the key values.

SET Option Settings for OLE DB and ODBC Connections

Six of the seven SET option settings required for indexes on computed columns and views are the default settings for the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server and the SQL Server ODBC driver. These settings are:

These settings also enforce the rules of the SQL-92 standard and are the recommended settings for SQL Server. Because DTS, replication, and bulk copy operations in SQL Server 2000 use OLE DB or ODBC, these options are also automatically set for these operations. Some of the SQL Server utilities set one or more of the ANSI settings to OFF to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of the utilities.

SET ARITHABORT ON is the one option that is not automatically set for connections using the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server or the SQL Server ODBC driver. OLE DB and ODBC connections do not specify an ARITHABORT setting, so connections default to the server default, which is ARITHABORT OFF. This server default is controlled by the user options server option. The user options bit that equates to 64 should be set for any server on which you implement indexes on views or computed columns. For more information about how to set this option, see user options Option.

Precedence for Setting Options

The settings for the SET options can be specified at several levels. The final setting for each session option for a particular connection is determined by the highest precedence operation that sets the option. The precedence of the sessionsetting operations is (with the highest precedent at the top of the list):

The connection option settings required for indexed views and indexes on computed columns must be active:


The SET statement can change the options dynamically; therefore, issuing SET statements in a database that has indexes on views and computed columns must be done carefully. For example, an application can make a connection in which the default settings allow an indexed view to be referenced. If the connection calls a stored procedure whose first statement is SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF, that statement overrides previous defaults or settings for ANSI_WARNINGS. The optimizer ignores all indexed views or indexes on computed columns when processing any statement in the stored procedure. Any statements in the stored procedure that attempted an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE that affected an indexed view or an index on a computed column generate an error.

The logic in some stored procedures or triggers originally developed in earlier versions of SQL Server depends on options such as QUOTED_IDENTIFIER or ANSI_NULLS being set to OFF. Also, DB-Library and Embedded SQL for C applications do not, by default, set any session options. Connections from these applications can create problems for other stored procedures or triggers that depend on the options being set to ON. The recommended solution has been to code SET statements at the start of either of these types of stored procedures and triggers to ensure they had the operating environment they required. In SQL Server 2000, if a stored procedure or trigger sets any of the options needed by indexes on views and computed columns to a value other than those required by the indexes, the indexes are not used to cover any SELECT statements executed by the stored procedure or trigger. Any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements executed by these stored procedures and triggers fails if they modify data covered by an index on a view or computed column. In SQL Server 2000 instances that use indexes on views and computed columns, stored procedures and triggers should be written to work with the seven SET options needed to support these indexes. SET statements should be used only in stored procedures and triggers for these systems if they receive connections from clients using DB-Library, Embedded SQL for C, or ODBC drivers from SQL Server version 6.5 or earlier. The stored procedures and triggers should set only the options to those required by indexes on views and computed columns.

Three other session options can potentially affect the format of result sets: DATEFIRST, DATEFORMAT, and LANGUAGE. Any functions whose results would be affected by changes to these options are classified as nondeterministic and cannot be used in views or computed columns that are indexed.

See Also


Distributed Queries