ADO and SQL Server

Own Changes Visible Property

The Own Changes Visible property specifies whether row updates or deletions by the application accessing a recordset are visible without statement reexecution.

Applies To
Command Object Recordset Object


object.Properties("Own Changes Visible") [= value]



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


Boolean that specifies whether updates or deletions by the application are visible, as described in Settings.

Value Description
True The updates and deletes made by the application accessing the recordset are visible. For example, if a consumer of the recordset updates or deletes a row, and the row is released completely, the update or delete will be visible to any consumer of the recordset the next time it fetches that row. This ability is independent of the transaction isolation level because all consumers of the recordset share the same transaction.
False Changes to the recordset (updates and deletes) made by applications accessing the recordset are not visible unless the command is reexecuted.

Data Type




OLE DB Property


See Also

Others' Changes Visible Property

Others' Inserts Visible Property

Own Inserts Visible Property