ADO and SQL Server

Server Data on Insert Property

The Server Data on Insert property specifies whether an application can retrieve values from the database for newly inserted rows.

Applies To
Command Object


object.Properties("Server Data on Insert") [= value]



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


Boolean that indicates whether an application can retrieve new added values, as specified in Settings.

Value Description
True After an insert is transmitted to the server (when the AddNew method is called in immediate mode or when the Update method is called for an inserted row in deferred update mode), the application can call the GetRows method to retrieve the actual values that appeared in the database, including calculated columns and defaults not explicitly set in the call to AddNew.
False The provider does not retrieve values from the database for newly inserted rows. The application can retrieve only data values explicitly set in the call to the AddNew method or by calls to the Update method for the row handle returned by InsertRow.

Data Type




OLE DB Property



Setting the Server Data on Insert property is potentially expensive and may not be supported for certain types of recordsets.