Long data types include ntext, text, and image data types. ntext, text, and image data can be so large that they cannot be retrieved in one operation or fit into memory. If the long data can fit into memory, the Value property of the Field object can be used to retrieve all the data in one operation. If the long data is too large to fit into memory, the data must be retrieved or written in chunks. You can manipulate long data in chunks through the Field object or through the Parameter object.
The Field object allows you to write and read long data through the Recordset object. The AppendChunk method of the Field object allows you to append data at the end of the current data when the query has already been executed. The GetChunk method allows you to read the data in chunks.
With the Parameter object, there is no GetChunk method, and there is no Recordset object when you are dealing with long data at run time. With the Parameter object, long data is bound at run time and executed with the Command object.
There are some restrictions for long data when using MSDASQL. If no server cursor is used, all long columns must be to the right of all nonlong columns. If there are multiple long columns, the long columns must be accessed in order (from left to right).
This example shows how to use ADO with SQLOLEDB to read and write image data. The critical routines are the while loops that copy the long data (image) to a variable and write the variable to a record in chunks (using the GetChunk and AppendChunk methods).
Before setting up the destination table in this example, make sure to run the sp_dboption stored procedure:
EXEC sp_dboption 'pubs', 'Select into/bulkcopy', 'True'
The destination table is a copy of the pub_info table in the pubs database. Create the table by running:
USE pubs
SELECT * INTO pub_info_x
FROM pub_info
The pub_info_x table is the destination table in which the long data will be inserted.
The ADO code is:
Public Sub AppendChunkX()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rstPubInfo As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strCn As String
Dim strPubID As String
Dim strPRInfo As String
Dim lngOffset As Long
Dim lngLogoSize As Long
Dim varLogo As Variant
Dim varChunk As Variant
Const conChunkSize = 100
' Open a connection.
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
strCn = "Server=srv;Database=pubs;UID=sa;Pwd=;"
cn.Provider = "sqloledb"
cn.Open strCn
'Open the pub_info_x table.
Set rstPubInfo = New ADODB.Recordset
rstPubInfo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rstPubInfo.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rstPubInfo.Open "pub_info_x", cn, , , adCmdTable
'Prompt for a logo to copy.
strMsg = "Available logos are : " & vbCr & vbCr
Do While Not rstPubInfo.EOF
strMsg = strMsg & rstPubInfo!pub_id & vbCr & _
InStr(rstPubInfo!pr_info, ",") - 1) & vbCr & vbCr
strMsg = strMsg & "Enter the ID of a logo to copy:"
strPubID = InputBox(strMsg)
' Copy the logo to a variable in chunks.
rstPubInfo.Filter = "pub_id = '" & strPubID & "'"
lngLogoSize = rstPubInfo!logo.ActualSize
Do While lngOffset < lngLogoSize
varChunk = rstPubInfo!logo.GetChunk(conChunkSize)
varLogo = varLogo & varChunk
lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize
' Get data from the user.
strPubID = Trim(InputBox("Enter a new pub ID:"))
strPRInfo = Trim(InputBox("Enter descriptive text:"))
' Add a new record, copying the logo in chunks.
rstPubInfo!pub_id = strPubID
rstPubInfo!pr_info = strPRInfo
lngOffset = 0 ' Reset offset.
Do While lngOffset < lngLogoSize
varChunk = LeftB(RightB(varLogo, lngLogoSize - _
rstPubInfo!logo.AppendChunk varChunk
lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize
' Show the newly added data.
MsgBox "New record: " & rstPubInfo!pub_id & vbCr & _
"Description: " & rstPubInfo!pr_info & vbCr & _
"Logo size: " & rstPubInfo!logo.ActualSize
End Sub