ADO and SQL Server

ADO Support for OpenXML

OpenXML is a SQL Server 2000 extension to Transact-SQL that allows stored procedures to process XML and generate rowsets from the data for use by Transact-SQL statements. In the following example, ADO passes an XML document to a stored procedure. The stored procedure executes a SELECT statement generating a rowset. This rowset can then be processed by the stored procedure, or returned to the client as an ADO Recordset.

To use stored procedures to process XML:

  1. Execute the sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure to prepare the XML document for use by Transact-SQL statements.

  2. Use the OpenXML-generated rowset in one or more queries.

  3. Execute sp_xml_removedocument to remove the prepared XML document from memory.

The ASP calls Command.Execute to execute the stored procedure, and passes in the XML document. The application then executes sp_xml_preparedocument to create an in-memory representation of the XML document. sp_xml_preparedocument has an output parameter (@iDoc, int), which is a pointer to the prepared XML document, and an input parameter (@XMLDoc, VarChar(2000), which contains the text of an XML document to be accessed using T-SQL statements.

      EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @iDoc OUTPUT, @XMLDoc

In this SELECT statement, the application passes in the @iDoc handle, an XPath command '/Root/Customers', a flag '1' indicating that the XML is attribute-centric, and a WITH clause describing the structure of the rowset to be returned.

SELECT * FROM OpenXML(@iDoc, '/ROOT/Customers',1) 
      WITH (CustomerID varchar(10), ContactName varchar(20)) 

Any Transact-SQL statement that operates with a rowset can be used with the OpenXML keyword. For example, an application can also use INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and JOIN statements.

After the application completes processing of the in-memory XML document, it releases the document by passing the @iDoc parameter to sp_xml_removedocument:

   EXECUTE sp_xml_removedocument @iDoc

For more information about OpenXML, see Writing XML Using OpenXML.


This is the complete listing of the stored procedure discussed previously.

      @XMLDoc varchar(2000)
      DECLARE @ReturnCode INT
   DECLARE @iDoc int

      EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @iDoc OUTPUT, @XMLDoc

   SELECT * FROM OpenXML(@iDoc, '/ROOT/Customers',1) 
         WITH (CustomerID varchar(10), ContactName varchar(20)) 

   EXECUTE sp_xml_removedocument @iDoc

      SELECT @ReturnCode = 1
   RETURN @ReturnCode
Active Server Page

This is the complete listing of the ASP discussed previously.

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio"/>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="iso-8859-1"/>
<TITLE>ADO 2.6 OpenXML Example - OpenXML.asp</TITLE>

      FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma;
      FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
      OVERFLOW: auto

      FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma;
      FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
      OVERFLOW: auto


<!-- #include file="" -->
Response.Write "Page Generated @ " & Now() & "<BR/>"

   Dim sConn
   sConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MYSERVER1;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=SA;Password=;"

   Response.write "Connect String = " & sConn & "<BR/>"

   Dim adoConn
   Set adoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   adoConn.ConnectionString = sConn
   adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

   Response.write "ADO Version = " & adoConn.Version & "<BR/>"
   Response.write "adoConn.State = " & adoConn.State & "<BR/>"

   Dim sXMLDoc, sQuery

   sXMLDoc = "<ROOT>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Customers CustomerID='VINET' ContactName='Paul Henriot'>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Orders CustomerID='VINET' EmployeeID='5' OrderDate='1996-07-04T00:00:00'>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Order_0020_Details OrderID='10248' ProductID='11' Quantity='12'/>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Order_0020_Details OrderID='10248' ProductID='42' Quantity='10'/>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "</Orders>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "</Customers>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Customers CustomerID='LILAS' ContactName='Carlos Gonzlez'>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Orders CustomerID='LILAS' EmployeeID='3' OrderDate='1996-08-16T00:00:00'>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "<Order_0020_Details OrderID='10283' ProductID='72' Quantity='3'/>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "</Orders>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "</Customers>"
   sXMLDoc = sXMLDoc & "</ROOT>"

sQuery = "SP_OpenXML_Example"
   Response.write "sQuery = " & sQuery & "<BR/>"

   Dim adoCmd
   Set adoCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
   Set adoCmd.ActiveConnection = adoConn
   adoCmd.CommandText = sQuery
   adoCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
   adoCmd.Parameters.Item(1).Value = sXMLDoc

   Dim adoRS
   Set adoRS = adoCmd.Execute()

   Response.write "Data = " & adoRS.Fields(0).Value & "<BR/>"

   Response.write "ReturnValue = " & adoCmd.Parameters.Item(0).Value & "<BR/>"


See Also

ADO and Open XML