ADO and SQL Server

Using Return Code and Output Parameters for Stored Procedures

Stored procedures can contain input parameters, output parameters, and return values. You specify input parameters, output parameters, and return values for a stored procedure through the Parameter object. In the case of output parameters and return values, the values are not returned until the data of the Recordset object has been fetched completely or the Recordset has been closed.

The following stored procedure contains one input parameter, one output parameter, and a return parameter. The procedure selects those rows in the titles table of the pubs database where the royalty percent paid to the author is greater than the amount entered by the user (the input parameter). The program returns the number of rows as the output variable. If the program returns any rows, a return code of 0 is issued; if no rows are returned, a return code of 99 is issued.

USE pubs
@outparm      int      OUTPUT
@inparm      int
SELECT * FROM titles WHERE royalty > @inparm
SELECT @outparm = COUNT (*) FROM TITLES WHERE royalty > @inparm
IF (@outparm > 0)

An ADO code program that executes the stored procedure myProc is shown here.

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim fldloop As ADODB.Field
Dim param1 As Parameter, param2 As Parameter, param3 As Parameter
Dim provStr As String
Dim royalty As Variant
Private Sub spStart()

' Connect using the SQLOLEDB provider.
cn.Provider = "sqloledb"

' Specify connection string on Open method.
provStr = "Server=MyServer;Database=pubs;Trusted_Connection=yes"
cn.Open provStr

' Set up a command object for the stored procedure.
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
cmd.CommandText = "myProc"
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

' Set up a return parameter.
Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter("Return", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)
cmd.Parameters.Append param1
' Set up an output parameter.
Set param2 = cmd.CreateParameter("Output", adInteger, adParamOutput)
cmd.Parameters.Append param2
' Set up an input parameter.
Set param3 = cmd.CreateParameter("Input", adInteger, adParamInput)
cmd.Parameters.Append param3
royalty = Trim(InputBox("Enter royalty:"))
param3.Value = royalty

' Execute command, and loop through recordset, printing out rows.
Set rs = cmd.Execute

Dim i As Integer
While Not rs.EOF
    For Each fldloop In rs.Fields
        Debug.Print rs.Fields(i)
        i = i + 1
    Next fldloop
    Debug.Print ""
    i = 0

' Need to close recordset before getting return 
' and output parameters.

Debug.Print "Program ended with return code: " & Cmd(0)
Debug.Print "Total rows satisfying condition: " & Cmd(1)

End Sub

The following parameters are needed for the myProc stored procedure:

Because the data type of these stored procedure parameters is integer, there is no need to specify the data length as a parameter when defining them with the CreateParameter method.

After each parameter is added to the Parameters collection, executing the query string creates a recordset. After the recordset is closed, the values for the return code and output parameters are available.