In rowsets and as parameter values, ADO represents data in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 by using the following data types. The ADO enumerated constant, DataTypeEnum, specifies the data type of the Field and Parameter objects.
SQL Server Data Type | ADO Data Type |
bigint | adBigInt |
binary | adBinary |
bit | adBoolean |
char | adChar |
datetime | adDBTimeStamp |
decimal | adNumeric |
float | adDouble |
image | adVarbinary |
int | adInteger |
money | adCurrency |
nchar | adWChar |
ntext | adWChar |
numeric | adNumeric |
nvarchar | adWChar |
real | adSingle |
smalldatetime | adTimeStamp |
smallint | adSmallInt |
smallmoney | adCurrency |
sql_variant | adVariant |
sysname | adWChar |
text | adChar |
timestamp | adBinary |
tinyint | adVarbinary |
uniqueidentifier | adGUID |
varbinary | adVarbinary |
varchar | adChar |
ADO supports consumer-requested data conversions as shown in this illustration.