ADO and SQL Server

Getting Started with ADO

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 applications can use ADO to connect to, retrieve, manipulate, and update data from an instance of SQL Server. These topics are discussed in Getting Started with ADO.

Topic Description
ADO Syntax Conventions Describes text formatting used when explaining ADO syntax.
System Requirements for ADO Lists software required for using ADO to access data in SQL Server 2000.
ADO and OLE DB Provider Installation Describes the OLE DB providers that are installed with SQL Server 2000.
ADO File Locations Lists the locations of all files that are required for ADO to communicate with SQL Server 2000.
Upgrading the Catalog Stored Procedures Explains the process for updating catalog stored procedures when using ADO with instances of SQL Server version 6.5 or earlier.
Using ADO in Different Development Environments Discusses using ADO with Microsoft Visual Basic®, Microsoft Visual C++®, and using ADO in Web-based applications.
Adding a Data Source Describes how to add data sources for use with ADO.
Deleting a Data Source Describes how to delete data sources.