Administering SQL Server

Performance Event Classes

The following table describes the Performance event classes in the Performance event category.

Event class Description
Degree Of Parallelism11 Describes the degree of parallelism assigned to the SQL statement. Occurs before a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is executed. If you are tracing a Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 server, this event will trace an INSERT statement.
Degree of Parallelism21 Describes the degree of parallelism assigned to the SQL statement. Occurs before a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is executed. If you are tracing a SQL Server 7.0 server, this event will trace an UPDATE statement.
Degree of Parallelism31 Describes the degree of parallelism assigned to the SQL statement. Occurs before a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is executed. If you are tracing a SQL Server 7.0 server, this event will trace a DELETE statement.
Degree of Parallelism41 Describes the degree of parallelism assigned to the SQL statement. Occurs before a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is executed. If you are tracing a SQL Server 7.0 server, this event will trace a SELECT statement.
Execution Plan Displays the plan tree of the SQL statement being executed.
Show Plan All Displays the query plan with full compile-time details (for example, costing estimates and column lists) of the SQL statement being executed.
Show Plan Statistics Displays the query plan with full run-time details, including actual number of rows passing through each operation, of the SQL statement which was executed.
Show Plan Text Displays the query plan tree of the SQL statement being executed.

1 If you are tracing a SQL Server 2000 server, this event will trace SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements.

See Also

Performance Event Category

Performance Data Columns