Accessing and Changing Relational Data

OLE DB Providers Tested with SQL Server

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 distributed queries have been tested with several OLE DB providers. Some of the tested OLE DB providers are installed with SQL Server 2000:

The other tested providers are available through Microsoft Windows® 2000 (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Indexing Service), and the Microsoft Host Integration Server (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2).

This table shows the OLE DB providers that have been tested with SQL Server distributed queries. All of these providers support being referenced in a SELECT statement by specifying a pass-through query in the OPENQUERY and OPENROWSET functions.

Data source

Provider name
Use in four-part names Use in pass-through queries Use in INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
Use in distributed transactions
SQL Server 6.5 or later Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Yes Yes Yes Yes
ODBC Data Sources Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Yes* Yes Yes* Yes*
Microsoft Access (Jet) databases Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet version 4.00 Yes Yes Yes (No if the database was created with Microsoft Jet version 4.0 or earlier) No
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet version 4.00 Yes Yes Yes No
Data Transformation Service Package Data Source Object Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DTS Packages Yes Yes No No
Oracle databases Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle version 2.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows® 2000 Directory Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services No Yes No No
Local file system (through Indexing Services) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Indexing Service (Requires Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 4 or later) No Yes No No
IBM DB2 databases Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Yes Yes Yes No

* The capabilities of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC depend on the ODBC driver being used. The provider may not support all these capabilities with some ODBC drivers.

Although Microsoft supports only distributed queries that reference the providers tested by Microsoft, distributed queries should work with any OLE DB provider that meets the requirements documented in the OLE DB Provider Reference for Distributed Queries.

If a provider does not support being used in a four-part name, it can be referenced in an OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET function using a pass-through query.