Accessing and Changing Relational Data


A batch is a group of one or more Transact-SQL statements sent at one time from an application to Microsoft® SQL Server™ for execution. SQL Server compiles the statements of a batch into a single executable unit, called an execution plan. The statements in the execution plan are then executed one at a time.

A compile error, such as a syntax error, prevents the compilation of the execution plan, so none of the statements in the batch are executed.

A run-time error, such as an arithmetic overflow or a constraint violation, has one of two effects:

The statements executed before the one that encountered the run-time error are not affected. The only exception is if the batch is in a transaction and the error causes the transaction to be rolled back. In this case, any uncommitted data modifications made before the run-time error are rolled back.

Assume there are 10 statements in a batch. If the fifth statement has a syntax error, none of the statements in the batch are executed. If the batch is compiled, and the second statement then fails while executing, the results of the first statement are not affected because it has already executed.

These rules apply to batches: