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QXmlInputSource Class Reference
[ XML module ]

The QXmlInputSource class is the source where XML data is read from. More...

#include <qxml.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

The QXmlInputSource class is the source where XML data is read from.

All subclasses of QXmlReader read the input from this class.

Examples: xml/tagreader/tagreader.cpp xml/tagreader-with-features/tagreader.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QXmlInputSource::QXmlInputSource ()

Constructs a input source which contains no data.

QXmlInputSource::QXmlInputSource ( QFile & file )

Constructs a input source and get the data from a file. If the file cannot be read the input source is empty.

QXmlInputSource::QXmlInputSource ( QTextStream & stream )

Constructs a input source and get the data from the text stream.

QXmlInputSource::~QXmlInputSource () [virtual]


const QStringQXmlInputSource::data () const [virtual]

Returns all the data this input source contains.

void QXmlInputSource::setData ( const QString & dat ) [virtual]

Sets the data of the input source to dat.

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