
ClassesAnnotated - TreeFunctionsHomeStructure


This is the verbatim text of the qmetaobject.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: qt/src/kernel/qmetaobject.h   2.3.1   edited 2001-01-26 $
** Definition of QMetaObject class
** Created : 930419
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
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#ifndef QT_H
#include "qconnection.h"
#include "qstrlist.h"
#endif // QT_H

class QObject;

struct QMetaData                                // - member function meta data
{                                               //   for signal and slots
    const char *name;                           // - member name
    QMember ptr;                                // - member pointer
    enum Access { Private, Protected, Public };
    /* ### add this in 3.0
       Access access;                           // - access permission

struct QMetaEnum                                // enumerator meta data
{                                               //  for properties
    QMetaEnum() { }
    ~QMetaEnum() { delete [] items; }
    const char *name;                           // - enumerator name
    uint count;                                 // - number of values
    struct Item                                 // - a name/value pair
        const char *key;
        int value;
    Item *items;                                // - the name/value pairs
    bool set;                                   // whether enum has to be treated as a set

class Q_EXPORT QMetaProperty                    // property meta data

    const char  *type() const { return t; }     // type of the property
    const char* name() const { return n; }      // name of the property

    bool writable() const;
    bool writeable() const;                     // ### remove in 3.0
    bool isValid() const;

    bool isSetType() const;
    bool isEnumType() const;
    QStrList enumKeys() const;                  // enumeration names

    int keyToValue( const char* key ) const;    // enum and set conversion functions
    const char* valueToKey( int value ) const;
    int keysToValue( const QStrList& keys ) const;
    QStrList valueToKeys( int value ) const;

    bool stored( QObject* ) const;
    bool designable() const;

    const char* t;
    const char* n;
    QMember     get;                            // get-function or 0 ( 0 indicates an error )
    QMember     set;                            // set-function or 0
    QMember     store;                          // store-function or 0
    QMember     reset;                          // reset-function or 0
    QMetaEnum   *enumData;                      // a pointer to the enum specification or 0

    enum Specification  { Unspecified, Class, Reference, Pointer, ConstCharStar };
    Specification gspec;                        // specification of the get-function
    Specification sspec;                        // specification of the set-function

    enum Flags  {
        UnresolvedEnum       = 0x00000001,
        UnresolvedSet        = 0x00000002,
        UnresolvedEnumOrSet  = 0x00000004,
        UnresolvedStored     = 0x00000008,
        UnresolvedDesignable = 0x00000010,
        NotDesignable        = 0x00000020,
        NotStored            = 0x00000040,
        StdSet               = 0x00000080 

    bool testFlags( uint f ) const;
    void setFlags( uint f );
    void clearFlags( uint f );

    uint flags;

struct QClassInfo                               // class info meta data
    const char* name;                           // - name of the info
    const char* value;                          // - value of the info

class QMetaObjectPrivate;

class Q_EXPORT QMetaObject                      // meta object class
    QMetaObject( const char *class_name, const char *superclass_name,
                 QMetaData *slot_data,  int n_slots,
                 QMetaData *signal_data, int n_signals );
    QMetaObject( const char *class_name, const char *superclass_name,
                 QMetaData *slot_data,  int n_slots,
                 QMetaData *signal_data, int n_signals,
                 QMetaProperty *prop_data, int n_props,
                 QMetaEnum *enum_data, int n_enums,
                 QClassInfo *class_info, int n_info );

    virtual ~QMetaObject();

    const char  *className()            const { return classname; }
    const char  *superClassName()       const { return superclassname; }

    QMetaObject *superClass()           const { return superclass; }

    bool        inherits( const char* clname ) const;

    int         numSlots( bool super = FALSE ) const;
    int         numSignals( bool super = FALSE ) const;

    QMetaData   *slot( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
    QMetaData   *signal( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;

    QMetaData   *slot( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const;
    QMetaData   *signal( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const;

    QStrList    slotNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
    QStrList    signalNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;

    int         numClassInfo( bool super = FALSE ) const;
    QClassInfo  *classInfo( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
    const char  *classInfo( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;

    const QMetaProperty *property( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
    QStrList            propertyNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
    void                resolveProperty( QMetaProperty* prop );

    // static wrappers around constructors, necessary to work around a
    // Windows-DLL limitation: objects can only be deleted within a
    // DLL if they were actually created within that DLL.
    static QMetaObject  *new_metaobject( const char *, const char *,
                                        QMetaData *, int,
                                        QMetaData *, int,
                                        QMetaProperty *prop_data, int n_props,
                                        QMetaEnum *enum_data, int n_enums,
                                        QClassInfo * class_info, int n_info );
    static QMetaObject  *new_metaobject( const char *, const char *,
                                        QMetaData *, int,
                                        QMetaData *, int );
    static QMetaData            *new_metadata( int );
    static QMetaData::Access            *new_metaaccess( int ); // ### remove in 3.0
    void set_slot_access( QMetaData::Access* );                 // ### remove in 3.0
    QMetaData::Access slot_access(int index, bool super = FALSE ); // ### remove in 3.0
    static QMetaEnum            *new_metaenum( int );
    static QMetaEnum::Item      *new_metaenum_item( int );
    static QMetaProperty        *new_metaproperty( int );
    static QClassInfo           *new_classinfo( int );

    QMemberDict         *init( QMetaData *, int );
    QMetaData           *mdata( int code, const char *, bool ) const;
    QMetaData           *mdata( int code, int index, bool super ) const;

    const char          *classname;                     // class name
    const char          *superclassname;                // super class name
    QMetaObject         *superclass;                    // super class meta object
    QMetaObjectPrivate  *d;                             // private data for...
    void                *reserved;                      // ...binary compatibility
    QMetaData           *slotData;                      // slot meta data
    QMemberDict         *slotDict;                      // slot dictionary
    QMetaData           *signalData;                    // signal meta data
    QMemberDict         *signalDict;                    // signal dictionary
    QMetaEnum           *enumerator( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;

private:        // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
    QMetaObject( const QMetaObject & );
    QMetaObject &operator=( const QMetaObject & );

inline bool QMetaProperty::writable() const
{ return set != 0; }
inline bool QMetaProperty::writeable() const
{ return set != 0; }
inline bool QMetaProperty::testFlags( uint f ) const
{ return (flags & (uint)f) != (uint)0; }
inline bool QMetaProperty::isValid() const
{ return get != 0 && !testFlags( UnresolvedEnum | UnresolvedDesignable | UnresolvedStored ) ; }
inline bool QMetaProperty::isSetType() const
{ return ( enumData != 0 && enumData->set ); }
inline bool QMetaProperty::isEnumType() const
{ return ( enumData != 0 ); }
inline bool QMetaProperty::designable() const
{ return ( isValid() && set != 0 && !testFlags( NotDesignable | UnresolvedDesignable ) ); }
inline void QMetaProperty::setFlags( uint f )
{ flags |= (uint)f; }
inline void QMetaProperty::clearFlags( uint f )
{ flags &= ~(uint)f; }

// ### remove 3.0 (binary compatibility with Qt-2.0.2)
class Q_EXPORT QMetaObjectInit {
    static int init();


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Qt version 2.3.1