
ClassesAnnotated - TreeFunctionsHomeStructure


This is the verbatim text of the qiodevice.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: qt/src/tools/qiodevice.h   2.3.1   edited 2001-01-26 $
** Definition of QIODevice class
** Created : 940913
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
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** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
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#ifndef QT_H
#include "qglobal.h"
#include "qcstring.h"
#endif // QT_H

// IO device access types

#define IO_Direct               0x0100          // direct access device
#define IO_Sequential           0x0200          // sequential access device
#define IO_Combined             0x0300          // combined direct/sequential
#define IO_TypeMask             0x0f00

// IO handling modes

#define IO_Raw                  0x0040          // raw access (not buffered)
#define IO_Async                0x0080          // asynchronous mode

// IO device open modes

#define IO_ReadOnly             0x0001          // readable device
#define IO_WriteOnly            0x0002          // writable device
#define IO_ReadWrite            0x0003          // read+write device
#define IO_Append               0x0004          // append
#define IO_Truncate             0x0008          // truncate device
#define IO_Translate            0x0010          // translate CR+LF
#define IO_ModeMask             0x00ff

// IO device state

#define IO_Open                 0x1000          // device is open
#define IO_StateMask            0xf000

// IO device status

#define IO_Ok                   0
#define IO_ReadError            1               // read error
#define IO_WriteError           2               // write error
#define IO_FatalError           3               // fatal unrecoverable error
#define IO_ResourceError        4               // resource limitation
#define IO_OpenError            5               // cannot open device
#define IO_ConnectError         5               // cannot connect to device
#define IO_AbortError           6               // abort error
#define IO_TimeOutError         7               // time out
#define IO_UnspecifiedError             8               // unspecified error

class Q_EXPORT QIODevice                                        // IO device class
    virtual ~QIODevice();

    int          flags()  const { return ioMode; }
    int          mode()   const { return ioMode & IO_ModeMask; }
    int          state()  const { return ioMode & IO_StateMask; }

    bool         isDirectAccess()     const { return ((ioMode & IO_Direct)     == IO_Direct); }
    bool         isSequentialAccess() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Sequential) == IO_Sequential); }
    bool         isCombinedAccess()   const { return ((ioMode & IO_Combined)   == IO_Combined); }
    bool         isBuffered()         const { return ((ioMode & IO_Raw)        != IO_Raw); }
    bool         isRaw()              const { return ((ioMode & IO_Raw)        == IO_Raw); }
    bool         isSynchronous()      const { return ((ioMode & IO_Async)      != IO_Async); }
    bool         isAsynchronous()     const { return ((ioMode & IO_Async)      == IO_Async); }
    bool         isTranslated()       const { return ((ioMode & IO_Translate)  == IO_Translate); }
    bool         isReadable()         const { return ((ioMode & IO_ReadOnly)   == IO_ReadOnly); }
    bool         isWritable()         const { return ((ioMode & IO_WriteOnly)  == IO_WriteOnly); }
    bool         isReadWrite()        const { return ((ioMode & IO_ReadWrite)  == IO_ReadWrite); }
    bool         isInactive()         const { return state() == 0; }
    bool         isOpen()             const { return state() == IO_Open; }

    int          status() const { return ioSt; }
    void         resetStatus()  { ioSt = IO_Ok; }

    virtual bool open( int mode ) = 0;
    virtual void close() = 0;
    virtual void flush() = 0;

    virtual uint size()   const = 0;
    virtual int  at()     const;
    virtual bool at( int );
    virtual bool atEnd()  const;
    bool         reset() { return at(0); }

    virtual int  readBlock( char *data, uint maxlen ) = 0;
    virtual int  writeBlock( const char *data, uint len ) = 0;
    virtual int  readLine( char *data, uint maxlen );
    int writeBlock( const QByteArray& data );
    QByteArray readAll();

    virtual int  getch() = 0;
    virtual int  putch( int ) = 0;
    virtual int  ungetch( int ) = 0;

    void         setFlags( int f ) { ioMode = f; }
    void         setType( int );
    void         setMode( int );
    void         setState( int );
    void         setStatus( int );
    int          ioIndex;

    int          ioMode;
    int          ioSt;

private:        // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
    QIODevice( const QIODevice & );
    QIODevice &operator=( const QIODevice & );

#endif // QIODEVICE_H

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Qt version 2.3.1