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This is the verbatim text of the qevent.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: qt/src/kernel/qevent.h   2.3.1   edited 2001-01-26 $
** Definition of event classes
** Created : 931029
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
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**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
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** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
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** not clear to you.

#ifndef QEVENT_H
#define QEVENT_H

#ifndef QT_H
#include "qwindowdefs.h"
#include "qregion.h"
#include "qnamespace.h"
#include "qmime.h"
#endif // QT_H

class Q_EXPORT QEvent: public Qt                // event base class
    enum Type {

        // NOTE: if you get a strange compiler error on the line with "None",
        //       it's probably because you're trying to include X11, which
        //       has a mess of #defines in it.  Put the messy X11 includes
        //       *AFTER* the nice clean Qt includes.

        None = 0,                               // invalid event

        Timer = 1,                              // timer event
        MouseButtonPress = 2,                   // mouse button pressed
        MouseButtonRelease = 3,                 // mouse button released
        MouseButtonDblClick= 4,                 // mouse button double click
        MouseMove = 5,                          // mouse move
        KeyPress = 6,                           // key pressed
        KeyRelease = 7,                         // key released
        FocusIn = 8,                            // keyboard focus received
        FocusOut = 9,                           // keyboard focus lost
        Enter = 10,                             // mouse enters widget
        Leave = 11,                             // mouse leaves widget
        Paint = 12,                             // paint widget
        Move = 13,                              // move widget
        Resize = 14,                            // resize widget
        Create = 15,                            // after object creation
        Destroy = 16,                           // during object destruction
        Show = 17,                              // widget is shown
        Hide = 18,                              // widget is hidden
        Close = 19,                             // request to close widget
        Quit = 20,                              // request to quit application
        Reparent = 21,                          // widget has been reparented
        ShowMinimized = 22,                     // widget is shown minimized
        ShowNormal = 23,                        // widget is shown normal
        WindowActivate = 24,                    // window was activated
        WindowDeactivate = 25,                  // window was deactivated
        ShowToParent = 26,                      // widget is shown to parent
        HideToParent = 27,                      // widget is hidden to parent
        ShowMaximized = 28,                     // widget is shown maximized
        Accel = 30,                             // accelerator event
        Wheel = 31,                             // wheel event
        AccelAvailable = 32,                    // accelerator available event
        CaptionChange = 33,                     // caption changed
        IconChange = 34,                        // icon changed
        ParentFontChange = 35,                  // parent font changed
        ApplicationFontChange = 36,             // application font changed
        ParentPaletteChange = 37,               // parent font changed
        ApplicationPaletteChange = 38,          // application palette changed
        Clipboard = 40,                         // internal clipboard event
        Speech = 42,                            // reserved for speech input
        SockAct = 50,                           // socket activation
        AccelOverride = 51,                     // accelerator override event
        DragEnter = 60,                         // drag moves into widget
        DragMove = 61,                          // drag moves in widget
        DragLeave = 62,                         // drag leaves or is cancelled
        Drop = 63,                              // actual drop
        DragResponse = 64,                      // drag accepted/rejected
        ChildInserted = 70,                     // new child widget
        ChildRemoved = 71,                      // deleted child widget
        LayoutHint = 72,                        // child min/max size changed
        ShowWindowRequest = 73,                 // widget's window should be mapped
        ActivateControl = 80,                   // ActiveX activation
        DeactivateControl = 81,                 // ActiveX deactivation
        User = 1000                             // first user event id

    QEvent( Type type ) : t(type), posted(FALSE) {}
    virtual ~QEvent();
    Type  type() const  { return t; }
    Type  t;
    bool  posted;
#if defined(_CC_MSVC_)
    friend class QEvent;

    friend class QApplication;
    friend class QBaseApplication;

class Q_EXPORT QTimerEvent : public QEvent
    QTimerEvent( int timerId )
        : QEvent(Timer), id(timerId) {}
    int   timerId()     const   { return id; }
    int   id;

class Q_EXPORT QMouseEvent : public QEvent
    QMouseEvent( Type type, const QPoint &pos, int button, int state );

    QMouseEvent( Type type, const QPoint &pos, const QPoint&globalPos,
                 int button, int state )
        : QEvent(type), p(pos), g(globalPos), b(button),s((ushort)state) {};

    const QPoint &pos() const   { return p; }
    const QPoint &globalPos() const { return g; }
    int    x()          const   { return p.x(); }
    int    y()          const   { return p.y(); }
    int    globalX()    const   { return g.x(); }
    int    globalY()    const   { return g.y(); }
    ButtonState button() const  { return (ButtonState) b; }
    ButtonState state() const   { return (ButtonState) s; }
    ButtonState stateAfter() const;
    QPoint p;
    QPoint g;
    int    b; // ### Make ushort in 3.0? Here it's an int...
    ushort s; // ### ...and here an ushort. But both are ButtonState!

class Q_EXPORT QWheelEvent : public QEvent
    QWheelEvent( const QPoint &pos, int delta, int state );
    QWheelEvent( const QPoint &pos, const QPoint& globalPos, int delta, int state )
        : QEvent(Wheel), p(pos), g(globalPos), d(delta), s((ushort)state),
          accpt(TRUE) {}
    int    delta()      const   { return d; }
    const QPoint &pos() const   { return p; }
    const QPoint &globalPos() const     { return g; }
    int    x()          const   { return p.x(); }
    int    y()          const   { return p.y(); }
    int    globalX()    const   { return g.x(); }
    int    globalY()    const   { return g.y(); }
    ButtonState state() const   { return ButtonState(s); }
    bool   isAccepted() const   { return accpt; }
    void   accept()             { accpt = TRUE; }
    void   ignore()             { accpt = FALSE; }
    QPoint p;
    QPoint g;
    int d;
    ushort s;
    bool   accpt;

class Q_EXPORT QKeyEvent : public QEvent
    QKeyEvent( Type type, int key, int ascii, int state,
                const QString& text=QString::null, bool autorep=FALSE, ushort count=1 )
        : QEvent(type), txt(text), k((ushort)key), s((ushort)state),
            a((uchar)ascii), accpt(TRUE), autor(autorep), c(count) {}
    int    key()        const   { return k; }
    int    ascii()      const   { return a; }
    ButtonState state() const   { return ButtonState(s); }
    ButtonState stateAfter() const;
    bool   isAccepted() const   { return accpt; }
    QString text()      const   { return txt; }
    bool   isAutoRepeat() const { return autor; }
    int   count() const { return int(c); }
    void   accept()             { accpt = TRUE; }
    void   ignore()             { accpt = FALSE; }

    QString txt;
    ushort k, s;
    uchar  a;
    uint   accpt:1;
    uint   autor:1;
    ushort c;

class Q_EXPORT QFocusEvent : public QEvent

    QFocusEvent( Type type )
        : QEvent(type) {}

    bool   gotFocus()   const { return type() == FocusIn; }
    bool   lostFocus()  const { return type() == FocusOut; }

    enum Reason { Mouse, Tab, ActiveWindow, Popup, Shortcut, Other };
    static Reason reason();
    static void setReason( Reason reason );
    static void resetReason();

    static Reason m_reason;
    static Reason prev_reason;

class Q_EXPORT QPaintEvent : public QEvent
    QPaintEvent( const QRegion& paintRegion, bool erased = TRUE)
        : QEvent(Paint),
    QPaintEvent( const QRect &paintRect, bool erased = TRUE )
        : QEvent(Paint),
    const QRect &rect() const     { return rec; }
    const QRegion &region() const { return reg; }
    bool erased() const { return erase; }
    friend class QApplication;
    friend class QBaseApplication;
    QRect rec;
    QRegion reg;
    bool erase;

class Q_EXPORT QMoveEvent : public QEvent
    QMoveEvent( const QPoint &pos, const QPoint &oldPos )
        : QEvent(Move), p(pos), oldp(oldPos) {}
    const QPoint &pos()   const { return p; }
    const QPoint &oldPos()const { return oldp;}
    QPoint p, oldp;
    friend class QApplication;
    friend class QBaseApplication;

class Q_EXPORT QResizeEvent : public QEvent
    QResizeEvent( const QSize &size, const QSize &oldSize )
        : QEvent(Resize), s(size), olds(oldSize) {}
    const QSize &size()   const { return s; }
    const QSize &oldSize()const { return olds;}
    QSize s, olds;
    friend class QApplication;
    friend class QBaseApplication;

class Q_EXPORT QCloseEvent : public QEvent
        : QEvent(Close), accpt(FALSE) {}
    bool   isAccepted() const   { return accpt; }
    void   accept()             { accpt = TRUE; }
    void   ignore()             { accpt = FALSE; }
    bool   accpt;

class Q_EXPORT QShowEvent : public QEvent
    QShowEvent(bool spontaneous)
        : QEvent(Show), spont(spontaneous) {}
    bool spontaneous() const { return spont; }
    bool spont;

class Q_EXPORT QHideEvent : public QEvent
    QHideEvent(bool spontaneous)
        : QEvent(Hide), spont(spontaneous) {}
    bool spontaneous() const { return spont; }
    bool spont;


// This class is rather closed at the moment.  If you need to create your
// own DND event objects, write to [email protected] and we'll try to
// find a way to extend it so it covers your needs.

class Q_EXPORT QDropEvent : public QEvent, public QMimeSource
    QDropEvent( const QPoint& pos, Type typ=Drop )
        : QEvent(typ), p(pos),
          act(0), accpt(0), accptact(0), resv(0),
    const QPoint &pos() const   { return p; }
    bool isAccepted() const     { return accpt || accptact; }
    void accept(bool y=TRUE)    { accpt = y; }
    void ignore()               { accpt = FALSE; }

    bool isActionAccepted() const { return accptact; }
    void acceptAction(bool y=TRUE) { accptact = y; }
    enum Action { Copy, Link, Move, Private, UserAction=100 };
    void setAction( Action a ) { act = (uint)a; }
    Action action() const { return Action(act); }

    QWidget* source() const;
    const char* format( int n = 0 ) const;
    QByteArray encodedData( const char* ) const;
    bool provides( const char* ) const;

    QByteArray data(const char* f) const { return encodedData(f); }

    void setPoint( const QPoint& np ) { p = np; }

    QPoint p;
    uint act:8;
    uint accpt:1;
    uint accptact:1;
    uint resv:5;
    void * d;

class Q_EXPORT QDragMoveEvent : public QDropEvent
    QDragMoveEvent( const QPoint& pos, Type typ=DragMove )
        : QDropEvent(pos,typ),
          rect( pos, QSize( 1, 1 ) ) {}
    QRect answerRect() const { return rect; }
    void accept( bool y=TRUE ) { QDropEvent::accept(y); }
    void accept( const QRect & r) { accpt = TRUE; rect = r; }
    void ignore( const QRect & r) { accpt =FALSE; rect = r; }
    void ignore()               { QDropEvent::ignore(); }

    QRect rect;

class Q_EXPORT QDragEnterEvent : public QDragMoveEvent
    QDragEnterEvent( const QPoint& pos ) :
        QDragMoveEvent(pos, DragEnter) { }

/* An internal class */
class Q_EXPORT QDragResponseEvent : public QEvent
    QDragResponseEvent( bool accepted )
        : QEvent(DragResponse), a(accepted) {}
    bool   dragAccepted() const { return a; }
    bool a;

class Q_EXPORT QDragLeaveEvent : public QEvent
        : QEvent(DragLeave) {}


class Q_EXPORT QChildEvent : public QEvent
    QChildEvent( Type type, QObject *child )
        : QEvent(type), c(child) {}
    QObject *child() const      { return c; }
    bool inserted() const { return t == ChildInserted; }
    bool removed() const { return t == ChildRemoved; }
    QObject *c;

class Q_EXPORT QCustomEvent : public QEvent
    QCustomEvent( int type );
    QCustomEvent( Type type, void *data )
        : QEvent(type), d(data) {};
    void       *data()  const   { return d; }
    void        setData( void* data )   { d = data; }
    void       *d;

#endif // QEVENT_H

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Qt version 2.3.1