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This is the verbatim text of the qcolor.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: qt/src/kernel/qcolor.h   2.3.1   edited 2001-01-26 $
** Definition of QColor class
** Created : 940112
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
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#ifndef QCOLOR_H
#define QCOLOR_H

#ifndef QT_H
#include "qwindowdefs.h"
#endif // QT_H

const QRgb  RGB_DIRTY   = 0x80000000;           // flags unset color
const QRgb  RGB_INVALID = 0x40000000;           // flags invalid color
const QRgb  RGB_DIRECT  = 0x20000000;           // flags directly set pixel
const QRgb  RGB_MASK    = 0x00ffffff;           // masks RGB values

Q_EXPORT inline int qRed( QRgb rgb )            // get red part of RGB
{ return (int)((rgb >> 16) & 0xff); }

Q_EXPORT inline int qGreen( QRgb rgb )          // get green part of RGB
{ return (int)((rgb >> 8) & 0xff); }

Q_EXPORT inline int qBlue( QRgb rgb )           // get blue part of RGB
{ return (int)(rgb & 0xff); }

Q_EXPORT inline int qAlpha( QRgb rgb )          // get alpha part of RGBA
{ return (int)((rgb >> 24) & 0xff); }

Q_EXPORT inline QRgb qRgb( int r, int g, int b )// set RGB value
{ return (0xff << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | (b & 0xff); }

Q_EXPORT inline QRgb qRgba( int r, int g, int b, int a )// set RGBA value
{ return ((a & 0xff) << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | (b & 0xff); }

Q_EXPORT inline int qGray( int r, int g, int b )// convert R,G,B to gray 0..255
{ return (r*11+g*16+b*5)/32; }

Q_EXPORT inline int qGray( QRgb rgb )           // convert RGB to gray 0..255
{ return qGray( qRed(rgb), qGreen(rgb), qBlue(rgb) ); }

class Q_EXPORT QColor
    enum Spec { Rgb, Hsv };

    QColor( int r, int g, int b );
    QColor( int x, int y, int z, Spec );
    QColor( QRgb rgb, uint pixel=0xffffffff);
    QColor( const QString& name );
    QColor( const char *name );
    QColor( const QColor & );
    QColor &operator=( const QColor & );

    bool   isValid() const;
    bool   isDirty() const;

    QString name() const;
    void   setNamedColor( const QString& name );

    void   rgb( int *r, int *g, int *b ) const;
    QRgb   rgb()    const;
    void   setRgb( int r, int g, int b );
    void   setRgb( QRgb rgb );

    int    red()    const;
    int    green()  const;
    int    blue()   const;

    void   hsv( int *h, int *s, int *v ) const;
    void   getHsv( int &h, int &s, int &v ) const;
    void   setHsv( int h, int s, int v );

    QColor light( int f = 150 ) const;
    QColor dark( int f = 200 )  const;

    bool   operator==( const QColor &c ) const;
    bool   operator!=( const QColor &c ) const;

    static bool lazyAlloc();
    static void setLazyAlloc( bool );
    uint   alloc();
    uint   pixel()  const;

    static int  maxColors();
    static int  numBitPlanes();

    static int  enterAllocContext();
    static void leaveAllocContext();
    static int  currentAllocContext();
    static void destroyAllocContext( int );

#if defined(_WS_WIN_)
    static HPALETTE hPal()  { return hpal; }
    static uint realizePal( QWidget * );

    static void initialize();
    static void cleanup();

    void   setSystemNamedColor( const QString& name );
    static void initGlobalColors();
    static QColor* globalColors();
    static bool color_init;
    static bool globals_init;
    static bool lazy_alloc;
#if defined(_WS_WIN_)
    static HPALETTE hpal;
    uint   pix;
    QRgb   rgbVal;

inline QColor::QColor()
{ rgbVal = RGB_INVALID; pix = 0; }

inline QColor::QColor( int r, int g, int b )
{ setRgb( r, g, b ); }

inline bool QColor::isValid() const
{ return (rgbVal & RGB_INVALID) == 0; }

inline bool QColor::isDirty() const
{ return (rgbVal & RGB_DIRTY) != 0; }

inline QRgb QColor::rgb() const
{ return rgbVal | ~RGB_MASK; }

inline int QColor::red() const
{ return qRed(rgbVal); }

inline int QColor::green() const
{ return qGreen(rgbVal); }

inline int QColor::blue() const
{ return qBlue(rgbVal); }

inline uint QColor::pixel() const
{ return (rgbVal & RGB_DIRTY) == 0 ? pix : ((QColor*)this)->alloc(); }

inline bool QColor::lazyAlloc()
{ return lazy_alloc; }

inline bool QColor::operator==( const QColor &c ) const
    return isValid()==c.isValid() &&
        ((((rgbVal | c.rgbVal) & RGB_DIRECT) == 0 &&
            (rgbVal & RGB_MASK) == (c.rgbVal & RGB_MASK)) ||
           ((rgbVal & c.rgbVal & RGB_DIRECT) != 0 &&
            (rgbVal & RGB_MASK) == (c.rgbVal & RGB_MASK) && pix == c.pix));

inline bool QColor::operator!=( const QColor &c ) const
    return !operator==(c);

  QColor stream functions

Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QColor & );
Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QColor & );

#endif // QCOLOR_H

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Qt version 2.3.1